Written by HARRY MORANT, an Anglo-Australian who born in December 1864 was executed in February 1902, A Song is one of several poems including BUTCHERED TO MAKE A DUTCHMAN'S HOLIDAY which was the last he ever wrote.
Short and sweet this is a poem I really like and can empathise with for, like many others, I too have 'loved so' (or at least at the time I thought I did) a person who it turned out only loved me 'just a bit' (if at all).

Petty, Harry Morant's life was so interesting, and that is a good poem.
Have a lovely day!
I loved 'A Song'. Thanks for bringing it for your readers
Thats a great poem - thanks for posting. Kate xx
I suspect we've all been in this situation of being the one who loved more. I liked this one!
I can't access the links from work and I'm internet free at home due to the storm! Again! So sorry if I don't manage to get to everything for a couple of days. I have spacing problems when I copy and paste from notebook. Is that whats happening to you? I fix it by having no paragraph spacing in notebook but just put them in after pasting the post. Sorry if that's all nonsense! Email me!
Short and sweet and melancholy. I like it!
A new poet for me. I like this poem! (both are good, actually)
What a great poem - thanks for sharing! :o)
Ahh, yes. I think we can all relate to this happening at one time or another in our lives! He says it so well, though!
I found that if I highlight the poem from the web, copy, then paste in my blogpost draft, then it may work and keep its original spacing. Of course I cite the link, too.
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