Now as many of you know I've always stated that I'm not a fan of poetry and, in order to in any way 'enjoy' it, I have to have it read to me. Well! That's slowly changing thanks to Cara and the bloggers who contribute their poems for I'm beginning to realise that there are many poems out there that I do actually like. So come on, support Cara in the work that goes towards making FreeVerse what it is.
Anyway, my choice of poem this week was inspired by this headline in the Guardian some weeks ago - Poet Lorca Still Missing After Dig At 'Grave' - Poet? Lorca? I had to find out more.
One of the greatest mysteries of recent Spanish history will remain unsolved for the foreseeable future after a team of archaeologists admitted that they failed to find the grave of the poet and playwright FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA.
"There was not a single bone, or fragment of bone," said Francisco Corrion, leader of the team that has spent six weeks digging at the site where Lorca was thought to be buried. "There is no chance of it being there."
Lorca was the most famous victim of the death squads operating in territory controlled by General Francisco Franco's rightwing nationalists during the Spanish Civil War.
(Until recently) He was assumed to have been buried in a mass grave with several other death squad victims on a hillside in Alfacar, overlooking his home city of Granada.
- Giles Tremlett.
Such a sad story, I had to find some of the poetry written by the man and came across the following to which I'm going to provide a link as my ability to space poetry is still, to put it mildly, useless. Just click HERE to view The Gypsy And The Wind and it will take you straight to the poem (I hope, fingers crossed) as well as links to some of his other works.
I would like to read those , my knowledge of English Literature is very poor.
How interesting! Am clicking over to check it out.
I heard something about this on the radio about a year ago.
I've never read anything by him- which shows my age as much as your lack of 'chillwave' knowledge shows yours!
That exclamation mark was an expression of my own guilt for laughing at my own joke.
How's the weather up there?
First, I have to be completely shallow and say that Lorca looks a bit like the musician John Mayer to me.
Second, that is kind of a sad story.
Third, isn't it hard to space this poetry???? I struggle with it every week.
Fourth, I hope Cara keeps up FreeVerse too! I really enjoy it (much more than I anticipated).
Fifth, I didn't actually like Lorca's poem too much. It isn't really my style. What my style is ... I don't know. : )
Peety, Federico Garcia Lorca is possibly the most important Spanish poet and dramatist!
Thanks so much for the post!!
loads and loads of love
Thanks for the links! :)
Def reads like it's work checking out.
The secret of poetry is to realize that there are all sorts!
When I try to show my students that poetry can be fun, I often introduce them to Ursula Fanthorpe´s Not my Best Side (including a very vain monster).
I enjoyed browsing through Lorca's poetry. He has some interesting stuff, but maybe not my favorite. I only became a poetry convert in recent years and am still "developing" my tastes.
Found you via Cara's FreeVerse. Very interesting choice for this week; this poem had a sense of sadness about it, just as Federico Garcia Lorca's life must have been at the end.
I hope FreeVerse continues, too! I'm a relatively new appreciator of poetry as well.
Good pome. Don't rhoim though.
Thanks for sharing! I have never heard of Lorca before.
I've just stumbled across your blog and i'm really enjoying your posts!
Although i write a lot of poetry, i have to agree that i'm not fond of most poetry out there. I've read lots and am still hunting for ones that truly inspire me. I think for it to be interesting and captivating, they have to be relatable first. I can't get on with this 'not meant to understand its meaning' gibberish.
Great post.
Beautiful. He looks like a very handsome, mysterious kinda guy.
Welcome to Pearl, Valerie and Lou - many thanks for visiting Pen And Paper.
How wonderful of to share Lorca. While his poetry isn't for everyone, he was so influential and it is necessary to remember those who died because of the views they held or the words they spoke/wrote. The fact that he has never been found is absolutely chilling.
As always, I feel a little bit more educated for visiting the lovely Petty Witter! :-)
Oh boy! Thanks for the blog find! You know, I studied Spanish literature in Spain for a year; Lorca is largely unknown outside of Europe and it's a shame. I'm glad his work can be appreciated in English, but it doesn't have the same 'canto', or song, as it does in Spanish. Viva La Lorca! ;)
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