16 Jun 2024




Genre ... Cosy romance

Publication Date ... 6th June 2024

Publisher ... Head of Zeus/Aria

Standalone Third book in the Little Board Game Café series

Pre-order Link ... https://amzn.eu/d/gyPqfRG

The next warm and uplifting instalment in The Little Board Game Cafe series, perfect for fans of Holly Martin and Christie Barlow.

In the cosy Yorkshire village of Hebbleswick, single mum Taylor dreams of a fashion design career, but she spends her days fixing zips, hemming skirts and worrying about her son, Max.

At the local board game cafe, railway enthusiast Harry, still recovering from a painful breakup, dreams of fatherhood. When Taylor and Harry cross paths, sparks fly, but Harry's confidence issues and Taylor's concerns for Max threaten their budding romance.

Can they find a second chance at love where they least expect it?

Having first visited the Board Game Cafe in Hebbleswick in book two {Love Letters on Hazel Lane} I was delighted to be back there again in this, the third book in the The Little Board Game Café Series. 

What one might describe as a refreshingly wholesome read. Stepping foot back in Hebbleswick was a bit like visiting home after not having visited for a while and I immediately popped into the cafe where I met villagers, single mum, Taylor, her son, Max who though he isn't specifically mentioned as being neurodivergent seemed to be so to me and, {possibly my favourite character} the adorable Harry who, equally socially awkward, I felt to be neurodivergent as well. 

Chock-a-block full of wonderful characters, some of whom I had met previously {as a sequel, characters/events from the previous books do crop up from time to time, however this doesn't distract from this, the latest instalment, which reads perfectly well as a standalone novel}, some of whom were new.

I loved getting to know Taylor, Max and Harry, being party to their inner dialogues; learning of their insecurities; watching as the romance between Taylor and Harry developed; of how the bond between the three and especially that of Harry and Max grew. And then of course, there was the baddie I loved to hate, Tarquin, the estate agent, who had featured in Love Letters on Hazel Lane, who was every bit as smooth talking and, well, ick as I remembered him.

Not having read book one in the series {The Little Board Game Cafe} I can't comment on that, but this is every bit as enjoyable as book two ... and even better. 

If your wanting a feel good, small community read with a sweet, fairly chaste romance,  an upcycling theme, scenes that will have you chuckling and references to The Railway Children {written by Edith Nesbit and one of my favourite films of all time} you could do a lot worse than immerse yourself in this delightful read.  

Jennifer Page wrote her first novel – a book about ponies – when she was eight. These days she prefers to write romance. When she isn't writing, Jennifer can usually be found playing board games which are the inspiration for her first novel. She has worked as a television producer, a music teacher and has even run a children's opera company. She now lives near Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire with her husband and his large collection of game.

Social Media Links ...   Website  Instagram

With thanks to Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for organising a paper copy. One of several bloggers participating in the Blog Tour of this book, agree or disagree with me, all opinions are my own; no financial compensation was asked for nor given; threats of violence towards my favourite teddy bear went unheeded as did promises of chocolate.

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Kelly said...

Romance is not my typical genre, but I added the second book to my Kindle following your review, though I've yet to read it. I loved the idea of the whole "game" theme. Perhaps I should go ahead and get book one and start there. It sounds like the series is good overall.

Kelly said...

I talked myself into it. I now have all three books on my Kindle!

nightwingsraven said...

Like the second book, I will keep
the third book in mind. As this
still sounds like a series which
I would appreciate. And as always,
thank you for your excellent review.

Ash said...

This looks like such a cute read! I can't read books out of order in series it drives me nuts.
I'm definitely going to look into the first book, I love cozy reads.

Ash @ Essentially Ash

DMS said...

Sounds like an awesome book and series. I love a good feel good story. :) Plus I am realizing I need more books like this to read before bed (I have been reading some sad and heavy books and I don't want to pick them up before I am off to dreamland). :) Thanks for sharing!