18 Aug 2023


Ding-a-ling, all aboard the  Blog Tour of ... 

Daisy Daydream Bus Rhymes And Jokes by Sue Wickstead.

Target Age ... Children 3-9 years

Genre ... Poetry and Rhymes book

Publication Date ... July 2019

Estimated Page Count ... 40

Standalone Book

Purchase Link ... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Daisy-Daydream-Bus-Rhymes-Jokes/dp/0993073794/

Some well known nursery rhymes, rewritten, with a bus twist.

Come and sing along and share a bus joke too.

A special collection for Daisy Daydream.

(Who has her own story book)

One of the authors to have featured most on Pen and Paper and if you were to see the excitement on the faces of the little bookworms when they knew a Sue Wickstead book awaited them you'd understand why.

With choruses of 'again' from the two youngest and a 👍👍 from the eldest of the little bookworms I think it safe to say we all enjoyed this book with its mix of silly jokes, new rhymes and the re-wording of classics such Little Bo Peep who alas couldn't get any sleep and the old woman who lived not in a shoe but, yes, you guessed, in a bus.

Its just as well that I like silly jokes as I've lost count of the number of times the youngest little bookworm has delighted in telling me {to say nothing of his friends, his friends' parents, his teacher, the teaching assistant, the list goes on} one of the jokes told in Daisy Daydream Bus Rhymes And Jokes ... for the sake of spoilers I won't repeat it here but instead will leave it up to you to read the book and see if you can guess.

But then its all worth it to see them enjoying a book so much, to see them recognise words and patterns; to identify and learn the meaning of new words.

Sue Wickstead lives in West Sussex, UK and writes children’s picture story books.

Her stories relate to both her experiences as a teacher as well as her play-work adventures with a bus. The Playbus was a real double-decker bus full of toys, arts and crafts, as well as a lot of fun to play on.


Sue wrote a photographic social history book about the project which led to her story telling and her writing. All of Sue’s books do have a bus included in them somewhere. Daisy Daydream was the bus that Sue painted and the start of her Playbus and writing journey.

When not writing Sue builds models with Lego (especially for her grandson), she loves spending quality time with her young grandson and enjoys creating models to share with him on his visits.

Her grandson features in the book ‘Barty Barton; the bear that was loved too much’ which was published in 2020. He also helps his Nanny Sue to sing along with a few of the rhymes sue has written.

Many of Sue’s books have been entered and shortlisted in ‘The Wishing Shelf Book Awards’, the book ‘A Spooky Tale’ was a silver medal winner in 2019. The story was written with her class in school.

Social Media Links ... ~ Website ~ FaceBook ~ Instagram ~ X {Formerly Twitter} ~

With thanks to Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for another well organised Blog Tour. 

Agree or disagree with me, all opinions are my own. No financial compensation was asked for nor given. Threats of violence towards my favourite teddy bear went unheeded as did promises of chocolate.

Like my reviews and/or are an author, publisher etc who has a book you'd like me to review? Please get in touch, details can be found via my Review Policy. 

Likewise, lets share the bookish love; if you are a fellow bookworm/blogger please leave a comment and/or follow Pen and Paper on Google Friend Connect via the box on the right, I'll be more than happy to return your visit/follow your blog. 


Kelly said...

This looks like a really cute book. I'm glad you and your readers (listeners) enjoyed it so much!

nightwingsraven said...

This sounds like a wonderful and
delightful book. And I suspect
that like you and the young book-
worms, I would enjoy it very much.
And thank you for your excellent

JayJay Bus said...

I was so pleased to read your review for Daisy and particularly pleased to hear how much your young readers enjoyed the book too.
It makes all the difference to a writer to know their book is appreciated.
I'm glad you jumped on board Daisy's bus blog tour.
Open topped tour today I think?!