23 Jun 2023


A bit of a diversion from my usual book reviews, today I'm bringing you my thoughts on the Flash Dust  Magnate which I was lucky to receive as part of a SuperSavvyMe campaign.


★★★★★5 out of 5 stars. 


My first thought? Not as fluffy as it appeared on the tv ad. No matter. 

Long enough to reach even those high places & able to be angled to reach into all of those difficult, hard to reach places.

Not only did the dust magnate attract dust but it held it ... unlike traditional dusters that just re-distribute the dust, much of it into my asthmatic lungs.

Good for both a bit of light dusting ...

as well as the awkward to reach spot that trapped not only dust but also dog fur. 

A sucker when it come to new fangled things most of which are a waste of money, destined to be tried once and spend the rest of its life in a drawer/cupboard, not so the dust magnate

With thanks to Supersavvyme for this campaign.

Agree or disagree with me, all opinions are my own. No financial compensation was asked for nor given. Threats of violence towards my favourite teddy bear went unheeded as did promises of chocolate. 


nightwingsraven said...

The dust magnet is also available here
in The Netherlands. And it is part of
the Swiffer brand made by Procter &


But I agree with you that the dust magnet
definitely does its work.

Ash said...

I definitely need something like this in my house. We have three dogs and two hamsters and the dust is unbelievable.

My newest post
Ash @ Essentially Ash
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Kelly said...

Those look like a product we have here called "Swiffer". I'm a fan.

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

I do try to avoid buying some of those 'looks too good to be true' gadgets if I can help it, as they usually are just too good to be true and as you say, get used once or twice!

I was impressed by the pick up powers of this little contraption, but I am wondering just how easy it was to clean afterwards, or are they 'one off' used heads which you use and throw away?

Slightly off subject - You might have also noticed that Fiction Books has now been officially 'retired', even though hubby has put up a lovely holding message, just in case I change my mind about coming out of retirement.

I shall still be posting my reviews to Goodreads, NetGalley, Amazon and via social media on Twitter (all as applicable of course) and I still look forward to visiting my regular blogging buddies, to see what you are all up to! :)

Shooting Stars Mag said...

That's awesome it actually holds the dust! so many of these type of things don't.

Lauren @ www.shootingstarsmag.net

DMS said...

Glad to hear you liked this product so much and it worked so well. I recently heard about magnetic dusters and wondered if they were good. Great you got to try them. :)