In December 2018, it was decided that (and I quote) ...
"due to low usage and challenges involved in maintaining a successful product that meets consumers' expectations ...
Google+ would cease to exist as of April 2019 which as I was informed via email meant that I as a user of said service would ...
- blah
- blah
- blah
- lose all of the 84 people who chose to follow Pen and Paper via this medium
- no longer be able to link to book reviews that I had posted on Pen and Paper.
Sad to have potentially lost what were 84 followers of Pen and Paper (some of whom I'm sure followed by other means as well but still ....) and more than a tad bit annoyed that I didn't have more time to forewarn these followers what was about to happen - I received notification via email on the 1st of February only for the Google+ featured to be removed from Blogger by the 4th of February - I'd like to thank those who though they originally came to the blog via this feature have chosen to follow me by another means.
As for my no longer being able to link to my book reviews on this platform ...
Given how passionate I am about those who choose to self publish or go with the smaller publishers such as Alma Books and Clink Street I'm saddened that no matter how small that exposure may have been this means of exposing their books; of getting their name/their book out there is no longer available to bloggers such as myself many of whom are becoming disillusioned with Amazon and their increasing demands.** I can only promise to do what I can.
* The date by which Google+ will be removed from Blogger.
** More and more demands are being made on those wishing to leave reviews (whether they be for books or not) on Amazon since July 2018.

Despite being a fan of Google in other ways, I never did set up a Google+ account.
I bet those following you that way also knew it was going away and have made other arrangements. Personally, I use Bloglovin' to follow those I read.
I had read the same notice. I do not think that I used or interacted using Google + much. But I am not completely certain. For instance, when I follow links when new commenters visit my blog to find their blogs, am I sometimes using Google + ? I may be following some blogs through Google + but I really do not use it that way as I use Bloglovin’.
Yes I received the email too, but I'm not sure I've ever used Google+ unless some of the gadgets on my side bar are connected, but I'm not sure. I never added the Google + followers feature and just kept the old one. I'm not really surprised it's going as I never used it and the few blogs I visit that seem to use it for adding comments have always been a nightmare.
Thank you for letting us know.
For my part, I am not a fan of
Google. And I can follow you
on Pen and Paper through
I always liked being able to share reviews and book info to help promote other authors on Google +. Especially since Amazon ends up removing a lot of reviews. I wish the comments on our blogs that had been done through Google + hadn't gone missing too- but alas, I guess it is what it is. It must not have been a popular enough platform if they got rid of it.
I also read the notice. I hope it will not affect you too greatly. I'm not exactly sure how it will impact me, but it will impact many, that's for certain!
I used it frequently and will be sad to see it go, though I have so many sites other than my blog to keep up with, maybe they are doing me a favor. One less thing to do.
sherry @ fundinmental
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