Dedicated to Bert the Parrot, one of the characters featured in the book who sadly died earlier this year. I know how much he is loved, not just by his shehooman, Katie, but also the rest of his hooman family and all those who came to know him through the Chatty Cat books.

Chatty, your favourite cat, is back. As the seasons pass from autumn to winter, she finds that life brings surprises, and not all happy ones, but with the help of her hooman, Jade, and her furry and feathered friends, she discovers that with love and a full stomach, anything is possible.
She has always been independent, and full of questions and curiosity, and when Jade tells her about a tiny stray who needs a loving home, Chatty's big heart overcomes any reluctance she might have to share her home as she welcomes Izzy and shows her what to do.
Chatty's new story might make you cry a little, and it will certainly make you smile, as she wonders about the strange habits of hoomans in winter, and discovers that helping others makes us feel as good as helping ourselves, whether we’re hooman or feline.
- Back Cover Blurb
Mm! That was a nice dream.
- First Sentence, September Spiders
'In autumn trees recycle themselves.'
- Memorable Moment, Page 97
SOURCE ... Received with thanks from the author.
MY THOUGHTS ... I wonder how many cat afficionados can resist this, the further pur(r)suits of one Chatty Cat and her shehomman, Jade? I know I couldn't.
As autumn turns into winter and Halloween is followed by Bonfire Night and, then, Christmas; as we say goodbye to an old friend and hello to a new one so we are once again joined by this (p)awsome cast of characters who are brought to life with the help of both ink drawings as well as actual photographs.
As always a delightful for, not just younger readers, but anyone who has ever had a cat in their life.
As autumn turns into winter and Halloween is followed by Bonfire Night and, then, Christmas; as we say goodbye to an old friend and hello to a new one so we are once again joined by this (p)awsome cast of characters who are brought to life with the help of both ink drawings as well as actual photographs.
As always a delightful for, not just younger readers, but anyone who has ever had a cat in their life.
Combining a humorous story loosely based on the adventures of some beloved pets along with tips on how to look after your cat; of how a new member may best be introduced, Autumn Into Winter is as educational as it is entertaining; the aspects of the story dealing with the fairly grown-up issues of bereavement and dementia tackled with sensitivity.

Poor Bert.
"With love and a full stomach, anything is possible" I love this, and it's oh so true for hoomans too.
Cats rock. The book does serms just the thing for cat lovers. It sounds like it also has atmosphere. Sorry to hear about Bert the Parrot,
I think both my younger daughter and I would love this series. Great cover.
RIP Bert.
I, too am sorry to hear about
Bert the Parrot's passing.
As I think that I would also
enjoy this series very much,
I will add the book to my list
(and I love for instance the first
sentence and your memorable moment).
:( always sad to hear of a beloved animal passing, I think sometimes folk don't appreciate the impact they can make in our lives. I will have a wee eye out for these T, thank you xxx
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