BACK COVER BLURB: Jorie is greeted in the magic land of Carbrynthius as the Child with Hair of Fire who will find the missing Stones of Maalog, foretold in an ancient book about dragons. She and her best friend Rufus are challenged to find the Three Stones and restore them to the Great Grootmonya.
The nine-year-olds face evil dragons, greedy creatures, caves of fire, rocky mountain trails, even a poisonous butterfly as they discover their own courage, stamina, and the unexplainable.
FIRST SENTENCE {1. LORD FODOMALK'S RETREAT}: Night fell slowly over the somber land of Shyloxia, and blackening clouds threw oddly twisted shapes and shadows over the dreary landscape.
MEMORABLE MOMENT: "Well, can't you say some magic words and make him all better? Jorie blurted out, her tears flowing once more.
"Sometimes we need more than magic words to make a situation better. Many times we carry our own magic within us, an inner magic that takes many forms, such as love, friendship, courage and tolerance."
SOURCE: Received for review from Kelsey of Book Publicity Services.
MY THOUGHTS: Two chapters in and I knew the childhood me would have loved this book. What about the adult me though?
So many things to recommend this novel - a mysterious old book hidden beneath the floorboards, dragons, magical lands, a wonderfully feisty female lead who is such a positive role model, a friendship that knows no bounds. Yeah, I think we can safely say the adult me loved Jorie And The Magic Stones.
Whilst I do have admiration for some of the more adult issues featured in some of today's children's books, that authors feel able to write about the issues effecting some children, I must admit to finding it refreshing that here was good 'old-fashioned' story telling at its best.
A girl: smart and polite, a boy: a bit of a rascal and yet with a sensitive side, a wonderful adventure with just the right amount of peril for what I think of as a book aimed at those 10+.
Whilst not ending on a cliff-hanger, indeed this particular adventure, the search for three stones, concluded well, the story was however left wide open for another adventure. An adventure that I was delighted to discover ensues in the next instalment, Jorie And The Gold Key.

Sounds like an adventure indeed! You've got to love a good "old fashioned" tale every now and again. Thanks for the share!
I wasn't sure from reading the book's blurb, but by the time I finished your review, I decided I'd probably like this. I don't remember reading a lot of fantasy at that age, but I bet I would have enjoyed it. I was getting more into stuff like Nancy Drew then.
Oh I may have to tell some cousins about this one. I think their kids would be at the perfect age for this one and I do love a good old fashioned tale.
That's glad that adult you was able to love this one too! It sounds like a cute, enjoyable read for young ones!
Wonderful review, wonderful memorable moment about inner magic. Have a lovely weekend, Tracy.
I think that I would love this book too.
Because of the strong heroine Jorie,
Rufus, their friendship, the mystery
of the ancient book, the magical lands,
not to speak of the dragons.
And I think that the cover artwork is
I love this cover and the story sounds fantastic. I must add it to my list! Thanks for sharing it with us. So glad you enjoyed it so much!
I agree, old fashioned stories are certainly still worth reading and I am glad that some writers are still producing them.
I love the cover art for this book.
oh that's nice it looks like a really sweet book!
Oh it does sound like the type of fantasy book I would have enjoyed as a child too. :)
Sounds really good! The poisonous butterfly and your memorable moment of this story have made me curious. I'll keep a look-out for this book. Thanks, Tracy!
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