Care to take a guess?
Let me give you a clue ...
OK, so I told a little fib, today isn't Pixie Dust Day but, close enough, 'tis ...
International Fairy Day.
A day for believers both young and (I won't say old) those who are young at heart as well as those who follow the old ways.
For centuries the wee folk, who according to Peter Pan author, J.M Barrie ...
“When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.”
have played a part in Celtic culture (indeed even today for many pagans the Fae play an important role and more so around Beltane when the veil between our world and that of theirs is at its thinnest).
Nowadays as often as not thought of as magical diminutive beings, albeit very cute, somewhat ethereal magical diminutive beings, fairies - faeries to give them there more traditional spelling - were once upon a time deemed to include any number of 'magical folk - satyrs, elves, portunes and Tuatha De Danann included.
Portunes, Tuatha De Danann?
Yes, they new to me as well.
Believed to be around about the same height as the height of a little finger, the Portune were said to have the appearance of very old men with wrinkled cheeks who could either be very industrious OR, presumably as the mood took them, very mischievous.
Whilst, according to myth ...
Said to be the first inhabitants of Ireland, the Tuatha De Danann, were said to have have the ability to shape-shift at will and, choosing to live above ground, thus became interwoven into heroic legends. Quite unlike the Daoine Sidhe, the 'people of the mound's, who though derived from the Tuatha De Danann, instead chose to reside underground as far away from humans as possible and thus became the stuff of fairy tales.
So many names, so many myths and stories. I guess the fun of International Fairy Day is to celebrate the child within us, to perhaps re-live the magic of our childhood whether it be by taking a walk in the woods in the hope of spotting a fairy ring, building a fairy house - Too ambitious? How about a fairy door? - or merely reading a favourite fairy tale. After all to quote J.M Barrie again ...
“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.”

Ah, love me some tinkerbell!
Absolutely love this post and the famous quote from Peter Pan always makes me smile. - Tasha
Awww... my sister would have absolutely loved this day (and this post) as she was the greatest Peter Pan (and fairy) fan ever! She was always horrified that I've never read the book OR seen a film version, animated or otherwise. That doesn't mean I don't still enjoy fairies. I always note the remnants of their parties in my yard (toadstools) and have a fairy door in my puzzle room, with shiny pennies on the threshold to entice them in.
I like the fairy door idea :)
Just stay away from mushroom rings. :D
What a great post, Tracy! I have always had a soft spot for faeries. :-)
What a wonderful celebration... who couldn't use a little magic in their life? Thanks for the share!
Oh how fun! I've heard about people making fairy jars a lot lately; they seem like something cute to decorate with.
This is a great post Tracy.
I am fascinated by such mythical creatures. I need to spend more time delving into the folktales and stories.
I like those Fairy Doors.
Super fun post, Tracy! Our dog's name was Tinkerbell, although we changed it to Daisy after we adopted her from the animal center.
I love this post Tracy..and I like the idea of believe in fairies. Although I keep leaving tea and cookies out but those damn brownies haven't cleaned my house yet!
I am huge for fairies and believe in magic! Such a wonderful post reminding us to keep celebrating the child within.
I love fairies and International Fairy Day is awesome. We all need a little more pixie dust on our lives. I love this post and your final quote! :)
That quote at the end of your post is like fingers snapping at my face. Learn to trust the flight.
This is so cute, who doesn't like fairies
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