With talks on East German pedestrian crossing signals, paper bags, lamp posts, toilet roll quality control codes and bricks, the Boring Conference sells out in London.
Hmm, perhaps not a conference for this French worker who sued his ex-employer for £280,000 because his job was too boring.
Oh well, I suppose it give him AND ...
The Cornish man who became the shortest serving major in history after a council blunder saw him step down after just 47 minutes in office
AND ...
The postman who, presumably wanting to be helpful and save its recipient a trip to the sorting office, folded a collectable vinyl record in half in order to fit it through the letterbox ...
more time (should they want it) to consider gardening in the nude as horticulturalists let it all hang out on Naked Gardening Day.

I'm absolutely aghast at the incident with the postman! I would have been SO upset.
And I'll pass on "nekkid" gardening for a variety of reasons.
Oh my gosh, the one about the vinyl record made me wince! That poor person must have been so upset when they found it. Love the idea of a boring conference too - brilliant! - Tasha
Hi Tracy,
Most conferences I have attended fall into the boring category, so attending an official 'boring conference' probably wouldn't be so noticeably different :)
We live not too far from Malmesbury, home to a couple of the original naked gardeners, Ian and Barbara Pollard, of Abbey House Gardens. Ladies from the charity shop I volunteer for, used to go on an annual coach trip, just to see the naked pair romping around their garden, although you are talking over 10 years ago, so I guess that Ian isn't quite such an attraction these days :)
Parcel delivery companies have gained such a bad reputation over the years, that nothing really surprises me any more. In fact, the postman actually snapped the inside off of our letterbox, when he forced through a large hardcover book, I had won from Goodreads Giveaway.
A great share, as always :)
If that boring job lawsuit succeeds I think that a lot of employers will be in trouble.
One would think that mail person would be experienced enough to avoid such mistakes.
Hi Tracy, intriguing title to this post – I could hardly wait to start reading!
I can’t believe The Boring Conference sold out – how funny as for the postman and the vinyl maybe not quite so funny.
I missed naked gardening day – drat! :)
The postman must have been very young, and had no idea what a vinyl record was!
Another brilliant MM post! I love the idea and of The Boring Conference. But I don't think I will ever participate in Naked Gardening Day!
Wow, suing your boss for your job being too boring? What will people think of next? haha
Frederic Desnard I love this guy who sued his employers for a reason other than money.
Horrible the postman's brain, but on the lighter side loved his earnestness and sincerity.
GASP! OH NO! He folded the vinyl record?
I heard about the man who sued his company for a boring job some time ago. We spend so much time at work, it'd better be interesting work!
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