Whilst I endeavour to keep Media Monday fairly family friendly some of this weeks articles are a bit more risqué than usual and as always some of the articles linked to do contain links to articles with a more adult theme. TT
Benefits cheat said he was disabled but was working as a STRIPPING NINJA .... with a GRAN.
Not that I condone violence in any shape or form but these next two headlines did make me smile ...
'Drive-by yoghurt attack' on crochet teacher's haberdashery leaves her shaken.
Former London Zoo meerkat expert fined for glassing monkey-handler in row over llama-keeper.
Talk about an understatement ...
'Well this is awkward': Labour councillor realises he has buried someone else's cat.
And in the headlines from the Netherlands ...
Police kick in opera singer’s door after mistaking his rehearsal for ‘screams of agony’.
The Netherlands has recognised the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as a religion
'Well this is awkward': Labour councillor realises he has buried someone else's cat.
And in the headlines from the Netherlands ...
Police kick in opera singer’s door after mistaking his rehearsal for ‘screams of agony’.
The Netherlands has recognised the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as a religion

What I would like to know is who on Earth hires a stripping ninja and his grandma?? lol
And that is just plain wrong to attack a crochet teacher.
Happy Monday :)
What an amazing story about the bunny! And a stripping ninja?? Ha!
I'm sorry, most were laughable but the stripping ninja.... *-* scary.
Hi Tracy,
The yoghurt throwing motorist, is sadly, simply a reflection of the society we have created for ourselves, where respect and tolerance have gone out of the window and sadly I think, forever!
In the spirit in which you write this weekly piece of critical literature, my favourite stories were the the flying bunny, which I had already caught on the BBC news site and the Dutch pastafarians, although perhaps I shouldn't quote both stories in the same sentence :)
Thanks for sharing and have a good week :)
Oh my! More weirdness from around the web! lol
Karen @For What It's Worth
Keep breaking the server? ;)
I have to laugh at the opera singer. Um... more practice? ... or not. LOL
Hahaha, I used to collect funny headlines like this back in the day. This world is a freaking wierd place! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
I'm glad Gus is alive and well, but it's sad a kitty got ran over:(
Those headlines! Definitely caught my attention...Stripper Ninja Gran definitely has my bid for most interesting. haha
Thank you for these "cheery" stories, Tracy! Like Yvonne, the flying bunny story is my favorite as well this week.
Aw, that poor opera singer! And I can't imagine burying someone else's pet! Goodness!!
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Tracy, I feel like I’ve missed so much on your blog – but no worries, I will catch up over the next few weeks.
I love the bunny story, but the poor little thing must have been terrified.
The stripping Ninja is pretty disturbing – in more ways than one! hehe
Thanks for sharing so many stories this week – that poor cat and the man who buried him will stay with me for weeks. A few years ago I was behind a car that ran over a cat. The driver didn’t stop, but I did. The cat, although badly injured was still alive. I picked him up and drove to a local vet where he later died. He was not chipped and I never found out who owned him, but it was incredibly upsetting. I always vowed I would punch the driver of the car if I saw him again. I’ve not had that pleasure yet – but I’m still looking!
I think that I am going to convert to a Pastafarian.
Oh my gracious but these are hilarious! Funny how things like this get started, isn't it?! HA Have a great day! :)
You have to wonder what kind of clientele the striping ninja and granny have. Haha
I think I might join the Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster. I'm not for strippers (maybe that's where the ninja stripper and granny work?) or beer, but can't beat the name.
Hehe..the opera singer and stripping ninja..hilarious! Thank you for sharing all of these interesting stories.
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