Not really an engaging film from my point of view.
An older couple of gay men find themselves in financial straits when having committed to marriage, one of them falls foul of their Roman Catholic employer and loses their job. The film does not however expend a great energy in examining the inherent injustice therein and moves on to the struggles of being dependent upon their families for accommodation and how this stretches relationships with them. Quiet, gentle film of character parts but not one I'll be looking to for inspiration. NJT
A tender love story, its so refreshing to see a couple that aren't in the flush of first love but still in love four decades on, but oh my goodness, sooooo depressing.
Main characters Ben and George become homeless largely because they are openly gay, George's employers sensibilities upset by his sexuality. Elliot and Kate are troubled that their son, Ben's great- nephew, may well be gay. On the one hand the story of a couple allowed to marry because of a new found tolerance that sees 'gay weddings' legal whilst at the same time a story in which homophobic attitudes still persist. TT
Not a film I had expected to enjoy but, quite unlike anything I've seen before, enjoy it I did.
A sort of Pygmalion meets Harry Potter meets Star Wars meets James Bond as Eggsy (aka Eggy) a young man from the 'wrong side of the tracks' trying to transcend his impoverished background finds himself amongst a group of 'toffs' at a 'school' learning not the magical arts but the art of becoming a 'dapper, gentleman spy' with Colin Firth as Harry/Galahad as his 'Obi-Wan'.
Reputed to be uber-violent. Whilst, yes, there are moments of gritty, graphic violence they are what I can only describe as being a mix of comic book-hyperspeed action .... if that makes sense.
The thing that made the film for me though was the humour. Talk about a licence to poke fun at the 007 franchise without becoming an outright parody! The suave English gentle, how to mix the perfect martini, the outrageous gadgets, the slightly camp villain, and his feisty female side-kick they are all there. TT
Good fun film that doesn't take itself too seriously and presents a great homage to the secret agent genre. Plot is inescapably derived from a cumulation of potential for communications technology in the hands of the bad guy to manipulate and control the excess populous whilst the wealthy elite wait securely for the world to self-destruct. An indubitably English organisation the Kingsmen are independent of all else but dedicated to the good, swing into action against the foe. Gadgets, secrets, codes, specialised weaponry and seemingly irreducible situations for our aspiring trainee Kingsman all make this a great fun film to watch... and of course a good gentleman's tailor. NJT
Hmm, how to sum this one up? Delightfully odd? Yes, I think delightfully odd sums it up pretty well.
As Mr Peabody was heard to say 'No doubt about it, every dog should have a boy.'
A time travel odyssey featuring canine Mr Peabody and his (human) son, Sherman - 'it's an adoptive thing' - which sees the duo, Sherman having used time travel improperly, having to rewrite history in order to save the universe.
Not one I would think for very little ones as whilst this isn't exactly short on action there are lots of witty anecdotes more suitable for a more mature audience in which it is revealed just why Mona Lisa's smile was so enigmatic and just what exactly was going on inside the Trojan Horse. TT
Animations are running a bit thin for me and whilst this one does have the element of time travel and some very funny moments in relation to that, it didn't really inspire. It is very good at offering an explanation of basic time travel theories as a useful educational tool in the midst of it and there are some amusing historical contrasts a la 'Bill and Ted' as various historical figures become engaged in the unravelling plot of relationship between the young hero and his adoptive parent, the dog, Mr. Peabody, and a very funny 'I'm Spartacus moment... but not one that will be re-visited. NJT

I wish that I had more time to watch movies these days.
Mr. Peabody and Sherman sounds really clever and really charming.
I'm glad to see y'all were as entertained by Kingsman as we were. You're not the first to comment on its violence, but I think you stated it well... that it came across in an almost comic book way, therefore not troublesome.
Hmm... Mr. Peabody and Sherman? I had no idea there was a film. I remember the cartoon from back in my Bullwinkle days.
Kingsman is a film I've heard a lot of good things about - it's supposed to be very good and funny, I need to watch it! I've not seen the other two so will have to watch those as well. - Tasha
I've just read Kelly's list, and like your list, I haven't seen any of the films, and the only one I have heard of is Kingsmen!
The second two films sound well worth watching! Thanks for these cleverly-written, "she says, he says" reviews.
Good movie reviews. I have to admit I wasn't hopeful for Mr. Peabody and Sherman, but I might have to give it a go now.
I haven't heard of the first movie. I mostly liked Kingsman and I'm afraid to see Peabody. I watched that show all the time when I was a kid!
Karen @For What It's Worth
Of the movies you mention, I am only familiar with Kingsman, which I have yet to see, but would like to. It sounds like a fun movie.
I really loved Kingsman and you're right, it had some great humor and was able to make fun of itself as a genre. It's a graphic novel too, and I really want to read it now.
I haven't seen any of these movies but Mr Peaboy and Sherman, being delightfully odd, sounds like something I would like to watch. Great reviews, thank you Tracy.
I'm glad you enjoyed Kingsman. I got the DVD for Christmas and I can't wait to watch it :)
The only one I've seen of these is THE KINGSMEN and while definitely more tongue in cheek than I expected, I liked it. It was fun. ^-^
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