Bucket List: A list of things to do before you die
- Urban Dictionary
Or as I prefer to think of it ...
A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime - Oxford Dictionaries.
Hosted by Sherry Ellis over at Mama Diaries today I'm delighted to be participating in .....
Milk a goat. Don't ask, its just something I'd always wanted to do.
Have my hair restyled. Not a biggie but given the fact that up until my mid-teens I could sit on my hair (I can still see my mam sat there crying as the hairdresser made that first cut), that I'm indecisive, and
Two done. In no particular order, six to go .....
Plan my tattoo. (Notice I don't write get a tattoo). A big fan of what Mr T thinks of as trashy tv (Big Brother, Storage Hunters, Lizard Lick Towing to name but three) my latest discovery is Tattoos After Dark. Love them or loathe them I defy anyone to watch this show and not see tattoos such as this four wise monkeys tattoo as works of art, the skin the canvas.
Go Paint-balling. I know reliant on crutches/Madge (my trusty electric wheelchair) as I am this doesn't sound like the best of ideas BUT here is what I have in mind. I'd be the only one with a paint gun, everyone would stand still making my hitting them much more likely. Funnily enough not something either Mr T or any of our friends are up for though I can't for the life of me think why not.

Tynemouth Priory. Copyright: Urszula Piotrowska.
To start BEE (BookExpo England). Of course we have literary festivals here in England, indeed we have the Durham Book Festival (a ten minute train ride away) every October but it seems to me that none, no, not even the Hay Festival, can compare to BEA (BookExpo America) and as I'm not likely to ever get there I've decided the thing to do is to bring it to the UK.
Visit Neuschwanstein Castle. As a girl I loved fairy tales and whilst the whole princess kissing a frog who turned into prince never really appealed, the places did. Oh, to run down those stairs, loosing my glass slipper as I did so (sighs), to be locked in that tower room, letting down my long golden hair, to be eating lumps out of the gingerbread house, to visit granny in her woodland abode - its hardly any wonder that the castle on which it is said Cinderella's castle is modelled features on my Bucket List.
Well, that's me done. How does your Bucket List look? Be sure to stop over and take a look at what's on Sherry's list.

Hi, Tracy. Thanks for sharing your bucket list. I've never milked a goat, but would be willing to give it a try. I've heard goat cheese is really good. Thanks for participating in the Bucket List Blog Hop.
Hi, Tracy! You know, my brothers used to go paintballing all the time, but I was too young to tag along. The most I did was shoot a paintball gun at trees by my house. lol I would love to do the real thing. :D
I've never heard of BEA, but it's not likely I'll get there since it's not held anywhere close to me (unless I make it a priority).
All that time we had goats and I never milked one. Oh well, I'm glad you got to check that one off. ;)
I think you have quite a reasonable list - even if you never do get to live in that Hobbit Hole.
One of my wishes is to see the "northern lights" in real life. Photos always look so beautiful, but I'm sure they're even better in person.
Hey! I like the tattoo! Seriously, I had the same notion of never ever ever getting one. Then all of a sudden... I turned 50! Decided to get a Katy Did on my back morphed into a motorcycle. I figured no one would ever see it, and at my age (now 60) who cares! Besides I haven't worn low back or bathing suits since my 30's. I love it and the artwork. Great list and I love the hobbit hole one too :)
Thanks for participating! Milking a goat is kind of cool. Just make sure it doesn't kick you. You and I should do the castle thing. But I don't want to get kissed by a frog! ;0)
I love the bucket list idea and have been crossing things off mine for a few years now.
I'm thinking about getting a new tattoo soon, but haven't decided what yet.
Hi Tracy,
I am not a fan of goats milk or cheese, a bit too 'tangy' for me, so I won't be fighting you off to get the goat any time soon!
I would love to make a visit 'Up North', as so many people have told me how beautiful the scenery and coastline is on the East Coast. We did venture into the heartland of Scotland and around the Lake District, however both trips were dogged by wet and miserable weather. Being Southern 'Wussues', we will only venture up if you can guarantee the weather! We both love the coast however and as Devon, Hampshire and Cornwall are all doable in a day if we set out early, we have plenty of opportunity to see the sea!
I would love to get let loose in a library overnight on my own, with a set of those big movable library steps, with a nice comfy sofa, and a roaring coal fire!
A great little meme and I quite like the term bucket list, although there isn't much else which the urban dictionary has going for it. It belongs in the fire or down a sewer somewhere!
Have a great week,
How fun!!!! I like the idea of starting a BEA in England. i hope that will happen. :)
Enjoyed reading your list. That castle would be a beautiful one to see. My friend's son was in New Zealand this past summer and had a picture taken in front of the Hobbit hole (presumably where they did the filming). Pretty.
Tracy, thanks for sharing your bucket list. The coast looks very inviting to me, and I am sure you will get a BEE before too long! I could see you getting a cute little hedgehog tattoo, or something related to Pen & Paper.
Happy Monday, Tracy! :)
Fellow Big Brother fan here! Derrick said when the season was over, he was getting a Power of Veto tattoo. Or maybe that was Caleb. I watched live feeds and it's all a blur. I've never watched any of those tattoo reality shows. The needles would make me nervous. I have done the temporary tattoos--the kind you just hold on with a wet paper towel until it sticks. Those are kind of cool and NO commitment.
I keep debating on a tattoo but don't know what I would have or where
Nice list! I plan tats as well, but will probably never get one. I just have a feeling I would change my mind eventually or want it in another place. Not good when it comes to tats! LOL
I do love your idea of planning a tattoo rather than actually getting one. :-)
I think it would be awesome to live in a hobbit hole. I probably wouldn't even need to bend over. LOL
I award you the medal for the most diverse items on a bucket list. So many interesting ideas. Love it!! Wishing you all the best in accomplishing these great plans.
Thanks for sharing your amazing bucket list, Terry!
I can say that getting hit with a paint ball hurts like HECK!
Great list! Best of luck!
Fascinating list.
Milking a Goat of them all.
I am sure that someone has done it. But I think that a real Hobbit Hole Bed and breakfast would be a great idea and it would help you to achieve your goal.
Lovely to see so many new bloggers comment. Whether old friends or new I appreciate your support.
Hi Tracy!
I'm popping in via the bloghop.
Your list is specific...and interesting.
I have to say that I've lost track of how many times I've re-styled/colored my hair. I can't remember if I've done the paint-balling thinggie, but I know there's a paint-ball range close by...I've heard it STINGS!
Lots of books and fish n chips al fresco - sounds like a wonderful combination! Great idea for a day out!
I went to Neuschwanstein so long ago I was surprised to see it on more than on list today. Great list. Sorry I was so late to join in.
go for the paintballing.
When we were in New Zealand, we opted not to go to the hobbit holes. Of all the tourist sites we saw, it was by far way way way too expensivie for five people and it was a limited time tour half of which was petting sheep. Skiing on Mount Doom was more to the liking of my family.
Loved reading your list Tracy, and I hope you get the chance to do as many of these as possible. x
Tynemouth looks and sounds like a place I'd love to visit. I hope you and Mr. T do stroll over there more often!
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