David Morris lives the quiet life of a book-valuer for a London auction house, travelling every day by omnibus to his office in the Strand. When he is asked to make a trip to rural Somerset to value the library of the recently deceased Lord Buff-Orpington, the sense of trepidation he feels as he heads into the country is confirmed the moment he reaches his destination, the dark and impoverished village of Ashbrittle. These feelings turn to dread when he meets the enigmatic Professor Richard Hunt and catches a glimpse of a screaming woman he keeps prisoner in his house.
...... Press Release/Outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Prologue): I wrote this story in a wooden house at the bottom of a thin garden.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 113): Her face looked out from under the cowl like something from the very worst dream, a dream a madman might have in the desperate last minutes of night, before the dawn comes and breaks the spell and chases all madness away.
MY THOUGHTS: Left bemused and slightly dumbfounded by this novel, it really is quite different from anything else I've ever read.
What I'd describe as an old fashioned ghost story without actually being a ghost story at all. Nothing too scary, just good old fashioned storytelling with a twist of the macabre about it.
Incredibly eerie with an extraordinary atmosphere of the spine tingling variety. I had worried that Isabel's skin could be in danger of verging on the territory of the 'freak show' but thankfully, saved by the touching romance woven throughout, I need not have worried.
The first book I've read by this author, I'm sure it won't be the last.
Disclaimer: Read and reviewed on behalf of publishers, ALMA BOOKS, I was merely asked for my honest opinion, no financial compensation was asked for nor given.
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The ghost story aspect sounds fun, glad you enjoyed
I looked at this one and wasn't sure if I'd like it or not. Well done for trying it and i'm glad you enjoyed it.
I like good, old fashioned ghost stories that aren't really ghost stories, too--sounds like a unique, eerie book, Tracy!
I am not always loving old fashioned ghost stories but I did when I was younger, maybe time to try it again?
thanks for reviewing.
Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
That's good you enjoyed this one enough to want to read more by the author! :)
Oh you make me so curious about this one. I'm so going to have to check out this author!
What fun to find a new-to-you author & be a winner! --Book sounds perfect for a Halloween read.
This sounds very appealing. I love out of the box but erie stories.
The fact that it was not like anything else that you have previously read makes me particularly curious about it.
I like the idea of old fashioned creepy story telling. Sounds great.
Excellent review! You make me want to read it and see for myself what you're talking about.
Seems like a very good read with layers of stories. I will look out for this book after it is released, unfortunately some of the books you have reviewed in the past are still not available here in India. Hope I get this one, have a nice day Tracy :)
The cover looks good and your review is great. The story sounds very interesting and a bit different from what I first thought it would be about. The fact that you plan to read more by this author says a lot. Thanks for sharing!
nice reading thew review!
I want to read this - it sounds intriguing.
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