From Lake Shestakov, Belarus - The most bizarre headline of the week? 'Beaver attacked and killed fisherman who tried to take its photograph' MORE
OR should that title go to this article from Australia? 'Woman found guilty of assaulting police officer with a quiche' MORE

From Bad Hersfeld, Germany. Police are on the lookout for thieves with really sticky fingers and a giant appetite for breakfast after 5.5 tonnes of Nutella were stolen. (As Husband dearest says this is someone with a serious chocolate addiction. PW) MORE
Yet more pooches and chocolate.....
What! No walkies? These dachshunds (Pippa, Millie and Heidi) are going up in the world after their owner, worried they might be straining themselves, had a stairlift installed. MORE
I've paid more to hire a hair dryer ..... The Happy Guest Hotel Lodge, Cheshire, is hiring out pets to lonely guests. Pre-bookable on the hotel's website, the owner Jeff Riley charges guests £5 to have ‘Happy’ the goldfish in their room for the night. MORE
Yeah right! As if we believe this .... Scientists from Warwick University have found a way to halve the fat content of chocolate without compromising the treat's silky texture as new technology allows manufacturers to replace up to 50% of the fat with fruit juice, vitamin C, water or diet cola. MORE
Like a (giant Meccano) bridge over troubled waters ...... A £90,000 steelwork bridge resembling a larger than life Meccano construction has been opened over the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal. MORE
Lets hope it doesn't go the way of this bridge. Opened only last year, scrap metal thieves have stolen a massive chunk of Puddlers Bridge, a £200,000 suspension bridge in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. MORE

When April Fools Day is late ..... A prankster neighbour has filled the garden next door with foam, covering the lawn and flowerbeds with 6ft bubbles in revenge for previous pranks played on him. MORE
You couldn't make it up. The article that made me laugh
Hoping it would gain him citizenship allowing him to stay in the UK a Nigerian man planned a fake marriage to a woman he had never met before. The song he chose to play at this sham wedding? Celine Dion's version of ...... The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. MORE
Disclaimer: Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.
I was going to agree that you can't make this stuff up! Then wondered if we could.. :) Thank you for the smiles Tracy :)
People are endlessly amusing. Really, that ferret looks nothing like a dog.I seriously doubt any real dog lover would be fooled by a ferret.
I wonder if the Nutella thieves are the same that took the maple syrup stash? 5lb (I don't have the pound key) for a night with a goldfish? Sounds a bit steep when you can buy them for as little as 16 cents here.
Have a wonderful week!
My son mentioned the beaver incident in passing over the weekend. I'm glad you provided the link so I could get the full story.
Very entertaining collection of articles, as always!
Hi Tracy,
Long time..Travel, work, family meets kept me busy.
Was planning to visit your post for a long time. Happy to be here. read the post . Enjoyed reading the neighbors playing pranks on each other.
Hi Tracy
I saw that ferret dog story in the newspaper, not sure how that ugly thing would pass as a poodle - ferrets on steroids, what next.
The lady with the quiche, what a waste of good food.
At first, the Stairlift for the pooches made me laugh out loud, but they do have some mobility issues. I can't imagine why anyone would steal Nutella, or part of a bridge! I don't think adding diet soda to chocolate will do anyone any favors, and those "fake poodles" are actually pretty cute--but not very poodle-like. Great stories today!
I still don't get how people can mistake a ferret for a poodle. In what universe do they even look or move the same??? Still boggles my mind that they have more ferrets on steroids than poodles to sell. :P
It's always a joy to read these posts... I'd only heard about the foam one!
Hi Tracy,
I hadn't come across any of your obscure stories this week, although I have to admit that I do look out for them on a daily basis, trying to pre-empt what your regular weekly update might have in store for us!
I love the 'Meccano' style bridge, bright colourful and cheery, although only 'up North' could you have to build a DIY structure like that!! JUST JOKING!
I love the 'nutella' story, but then I love nutella ... It wasn't me, honest, even I couldn't eat my way through that much in one go!
Thanks for cheering up an otherwise miserable evening .... Just saw reports of the bombs in Boston after finding out that my 88 year old father-in-law is quite ill.
Take Care,
Hiya, thanks for these , another great Monday media post Thankyou
I saw the beaver and dog/ferret stories. People just surprise me sometimes lol
Juice in my chocolate??? Next thing you know they'll have us replacing milk with juice in our cereal bowls.
I needed a stairlift for Bitty when her back was hurt.
Don't tell anyone, but Ben stole the nutella.
Ha! Hilarious...though I'm sure both the fisherman's family nor the police officer thought so. *ahem* How in the world did they mistake THAT for a poodle? *-* I mean it's not hideous or anything but it is SO not a dog. *shakes head* The bridge is pretty nifty though and that's an April Fool's Day prank! Thanks for the smiles!
that foam one cracks me up!
ferrets filled with steroids? that's unbelievable! what next.
interesting and fun collection of articles!
I have to say that those bubbles look like a ton of fun! Messy and hard to clean up- but hilarious.
When I first heard about the Nutella I thought it could be my niece, since she can't go anywhere without it. But- she has an alibi. :)
Yes, yeah right about the chocolate! Wish!!
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