Having been accepted as a giver for WORLD BOOK NIGHT I found myself agreeing to participate in 'something' to mark the event at the college where Husband dearest works ...... not in a million years thinking that that something would be my agreeing to (nervously gulps) give a talk to a group of students about the world of book blogging (See below for my draft copy).

Starting out as a journal in which I reviewed every novel, whether it be good, bad or indifferent, that I read, over the four years I've been blogging Pen and Paper has developed so now I not only post here but also review books for a magazine as well as for publishers such as Random House and up and coming authors who approach me directly.
Encouraged by Hd and a group of other bloggers who oddly enough weren't book bloggers that blogging was not only a great way to communicate my passion for the written word but also a great way to make friends and, of course, find out about authors and books I sat and wrote my first review and haven't looked back since.
So that now having read and reviewed some 428 books its become a joke amongst our friends that no longer to be found with a Farley's Rusk in my hand I am however likely to be found sitting there a book in one, a mouse in the other.
Not the only one to do so there will also be talks from author Tricia Smith (Remember my interviewing her HERE and Hd's review of her novel, Distant Suns, HERE?) about her experiences of writing a novel, as well as presentations about the art of illustration and, the place of comic books/graphic novels plus of course we three 'givers' have 20 books each to give away. ......
Not that the cover of my book choice, The Knife Of Never Letting Go, which incidentally I'll be reviewing tomorrow, will look anything like the original cover (top left) as this year WBN has had special editions commissioned just for them. What do you think, like the original cover or prefer the special edition (top right)?

I've always loved books, in fact it's a standing joke that I was born with a book in one hand and a Farley's Rusk in the other, so it came as no big surprise that when I started to blog it would mainly be books that I'd write about.
Starting out as a journal in which I reviewed every novel, whether it be good, bad or indifferent, that I read, over the four years I've been blogging Pen and Paper has developed so now I not only post here but also review books for a magazine as well as for publishers such as Random House and up and coming authors who approach me directly.
Encouraged by Hd and a group of other bloggers who oddly enough weren't book bloggers that blogging was not only a great way to communicate my passion for the written word but also a great way to make friends and, of course, find out about authors and books I sat and wrote my first review and haven't looked back since.
So that now having read and reviewed some 428 books its become a joke amongst our friends that no longer to be found with a Farley's Rusk in my hand I am however likely to be found sitting there a book in one, a mouse in the other.
So, wish me good luck - I've a feeling I might need it.
PS. This week's Media Monday post will be on Wednesday.
Disclaimer #1 :Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.
You will be absolutely fabulous, I have no doubt about it. It appears that the gathering may be smaller than we had initially intended and will result in being less formal, so a chat and guided discussion around a big table may end up being what happens. You'll be fine!
Wishing you all the best but I just know you'll do great!!
This is wonderful! (but what is a Farley's Rusk?) I'll be anxious to hear how it goes, though I'm confident it will be well done and well received.
I would have to read the book to know which cover I prefer for it, but just looking at them I think I like the one on the right.
And just for the record...your sidebar is still showing a post from a couple of weeks ago. I posted something new last week and will do so again in a few days. I just don't know why my updates don't always "register".
Good luck!
love the book in one hand when born
Thanks for all your best wishes.
Hd pointed out that not everyone would know what a Farley's rusk was. Basically a biscuit given to babies supposedly to help with teething, it could also be mixed with milk to make a mash when babies were being weaned. You can still buy them here but lacking in all of the sugar they used to contain they don't taste the same.
Thanks Kelly, I'll be sure to drop by your blog.
Hi Tracy,
From one Farley's Rusk baby to another, it sounds that like myself, you have also tried these biscuits as an adult? I totally agree that without the sugar, they just don't have the same appeal. They might be deemed bad for baby's teeth, but having been weaned on them constantly by my parents, I have managed to get to mid 50's with all my own teeth intact!!
I prefer the original cover of your book, which by the way, sounded great when I checked it out.
You will do fine in your little chat, I am sure, especially after Leanne seemed to indicate that it was going to be a much smaller more intimate gathering than you originally thought. Just think of it like one of your regular book club meetings and all will be well. Anyway! you're a 'Northerner', I am sure you will be able to 'blag it'
Just Joking!
That is sooo exciting! You'll do wonderfully :)
How wonderful to be a part of this! I hope all goes smoothly, and that you will give us a report about the event--or at least a few sentences in your post. :)
Good luck Tracy, hope all goes well.
We don't have world book night here, I think it's a good idea. I'd take part if we had one.
How exciting for you!
I like the original cover of the book.
I love that you have put yourself out there as an official reviewer. I read a lot of books too - but I'm not so sure I'd be good at summing up what I think.
I'm not going to wish you luck, but fun! Have lots of fun! Love the sound of the event. I know others participating. As I said... have fun! :D
That must have been an uncomfortable delivery for your mom. You'll do great. I read The Knife of Never Letting Go a while back and it had a different cover yet. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading the followup when I get a spare moment.
How exciting Tracy! Good luck! You will be great. Now I know what Farley's rusk is.
Wishing you the best of luck! Just think- you know your subject matter so well and we all find you very entertaining. What you have prepared sounds great and I think you will do an excellent job spreading the love of reading.
As for the covers- they are so different, but I like them both.
Fingers crossed for you!
I can't believe you've read so many books! You'll be amazing-- don't even worry!
Good luck! i'm sure it will be great and you're sure to have fun talking about something you love! I'll be giving out copies of Looking for Alaska by John Green tomorrow (and probably a few days after LOL) at my college.
Wow! That is quite an honor in my opinion! I can imagine being anxious about it, but from what I've read of your blog so far, I think you'll do fabulously well. So, good luck!!
Again with the best wishes! I'm sure you're be absolutely fabulous. You'll see. ^_^
Wow! Good luck with that! I'm sure you'll do great, though. :)
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