Arrested by a zebra and a monkey before being taken away in a panda car? Two off-duty police officers from Solihull went beyond the call of duty after arresting a violent man while dressed in animal onesies. MORE
The day beans led to jam ...... The Highways Agency urged motorists to avoid the M6 at Haydock in Merseyside after a lorry shed its loads of Heinz baked beans across the motorway causing a huge traffic-jam. MORE
More cases of 'elf and safety' gone mad. Bubbles banned from a child's birthday party, toothpicks removed from a restaurant,bars refusing to serve pints in glasses with a handle, a hotel saying they could not serve burgers rare, shredded paper banned from a school fete - just some of the 150 cases reported to a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) panel set up last year to target "jobsworths" who use safety laws as a ruse to ban legitimate activities. MORE
The most fun office in Britain? Home of IT company, Peer 1 Hosting, this office may be the most fun place to work in England as it boasts a giant helter-skelter slide, a tree house, a putting green, a cinema and even a pub. MORE
Building work delayed so spiders can be re-homed. Plans to build a £2billion theme park to rival Disneyland Paris have been halted – so a colony of extremely rare jumping spiders (Latin name Sitticus distinguendus) can be rehomed. MORE
Pen and Paper, a national treasure to be preserved for all eternity ..... Millions of tweets, Facebook status updates and even a blog about a bus shelter in Shetland are to be preserved for the nation as the British Library, the National Libraries of Scotland and Wales, the Bodleian Libraries in Oxford, the University Library, Cambridge and the Library of Trinity College, Dublin are given the right to collect and store everything that is online in the UK. MORE
I wonder if my fellow Geordies would be up for this next year? Thousands of people battered each other until feathers flew in London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday for International Pillow Fight Day. MORE
And talking of blogs ..... The Bollards of London blog (click HERE to view) set up to celebrate, err, the bollards of London, has brought together a collection of the most interesting ones, including an object decorated like a policeman and another that is colourfully painted and is situated outside a nursery. MORE
Disclaimer #1 :Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.
Wow. Very interesting cover. Seems like humorous though
That office would be fun, but almost distracting. I would be hard pressed concentrating at my desk if others were playing at the time.
The camel ball are gross, but still kind of funny.
Another "crazy" Monday post. That camel bubblegum is hilarious, and a bit vulgar.
Pen and Paper deserves to be preserved for all eternity; it is always entertaining!
Enjoy your week!!
I am so glad I'm not a mother whose daughter brought that home. I would be a terrible mom because I'd be on the floor laughing so hard I would forget to be upset! ROFL!
Camel Balls?? lol...that kind of advertising should be illegal.
I'd enjoy working in a fun office like that one.
Interesting Monday's post as usual.
I totally need a slide.
Oh wow, that office does sound like all sorts of fun. You could almost enjoy living at work. ;)
A truck load of Hamburgers or KFCs would have added to the Baked beans. Interesting posts as ever.
I fell about laughing as soon as I started reading, the elf and safety issues are just plain daft. The bubblegum packaging is a bit of fun, and the website dedicated to Bollards is hysterical.
Camel's balls, who comes up with this stuff - I'm bad, that made me smile.
Thanks for the very informative and interesting post. Loved it!
Hi Tracy,
I can't believe that Fini Sweets got away with distributing anything with that name in this country, not really the kind of thing you want your young child bringing home!
Only a 'geeky' company, like Banking or IT could come up with this as a realistic working environment, can you picture them having their board meetings in the tree house??
I hadn't come across the article about the plan to rival Disneyland Paris, planned for Kent!! That should be interesting to keep an eye on, I wonder if it will ever get off the ground?
Entertaining as always Tracy, thanks.
Hi Tracy,
I just checked out Fini Sweets and they are the newly established sister company of a Spanish firm. If you Google Fini Sweets images and take a look at some of the stuff they are churning out, I don't think I would ever want a child buying another sweet again UGH!
OMG. Really? They couldn't think of a better name/image? *-* Gotta say though, that IT office sounds like a geeks playground...in a good way!
Too funny! The Camel Balls bubble gum is a little disturbing... especially with the red liquid center. Ick!
Would love to work at an office with a giant slide! Of course, I probably wouldn't get much work done the first few days! :)
LOL Love the slide! Oh, you should see Google's offices in US. Saw some areas and they're much like this company.
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