This is the primary school aged me (on the right) and my (naughty) little sister.
At first I thought I looked kind of elvish, a bit like the Lady Galadriel (below left) as played by Cate Blanchett in The Lord Of The Rings films, but now I think I look more like the hobbit Rosie Cotton (below right) as played by Sarah McLeod in the films.

So, what thinks you ...... an elf or a hobbit?
Can't make up your mind?
Would it help to know I'm small and hardly graceful ..... Oh and like a hobbit I have (whispers) hairy toes?
OK, a hobbit it is.
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Now that's cute. I would say that younger you definitely has elfish features. I am hobbit through and through.
That is cute! I didn't realize it was you in the new profile pic.
I'd say Elf.
I dont have much idea about hobbits or elfs... But I must tell you that the capture is so beautiful, that of yourself and your sister. Have a nice week Tracy :)
No, no! I think an Elf, not a Hobbit!
Love the "dog ears" hairstyle in the top photo. It was a staple for me when I was little, too.
I'm not sure if you're an elf or a hobbit, or neither, but I adore your new Facebook profile picture!
Can't be an Elf, nowhere near tall enough and the hairy toes which you can't see, are a dead giveaway.
I,m not sure either , can never remember which is which anyway, so go for the cutest , hobbit
So cute!
I was thinking Elf to be honest. It must be the hair! :D
You did have me going for awhile with these pics. I would love to be able to say Elf, but after seeing your picture right by Rosie's, I'm going to have to join the Hobbit camp. It's a shame because I always wanted to be an Elf, but I am 5 feet even and have gotten somewhat round, but as I don't really like the idea of being a Hobbit myself, I prefer to refer to myself as a Jawa.
I think you're an elf because of your whimsical spirit!
What a cute picture of you and your sister! I am torn between elf and hobbit. Both have such great traits. :) Overall- you are just magical.
so nice to c ya wishes always
so cute!!
no, i think an elf, not a hobbit!
big hugs
Aww, I think its an adorable mix of both. Happy to know you either way. =)
I'm with Gina, I think it's a wonderful mixture of both. That photo of you and your sister is precious!
Hmm... I am leaning towards an elf thanks to the somewhat protruding ears!
Now, have you made the word verification extra hard?! :(
Ah, that picture is cute. And I don't think you look like a hobbit or a elf. :)
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