27 Sept 2024




Genre ... Crime/psychological thriller

Publication Date ... September 2024

Estimated Page Count ... 375

Standalone Novel


THE WIFE: Lorna lives with her husband in her dream home, loves socialising and has a passion for the finer things in life.

THE HUSBAND: Dan owns a successful accountancy business, enjoys golf and exercise, and loves Lorna deeply.

Life is good. Until new neighbours move in to the house next door.
Perry, a property developer is charismatic and friendly, with a beautiful young wife, Ingrid. They become friends, sharing intimate dinners, trips away and ultimately a holiday together in Greece. But all is not as friendly as it seems.

While there, a fatal accident occurs that changes their lives.
They don’t all return. But those that do, are hiding a huge secret . . . and there’s someone who will do whatever it takes to make sure that it never comes to the surface.

First things first, my only criticism of the book and something that came as a bit of a shock given how tightly and well written the rest of the book was ... an overkill of description. Something that, as small a niggle as it might be to other readers, has me {some would say rather irrationally} shouting "Okay, I get it!"

This aside, all in all, an enjoyable enough read. Dark and twisted with some seriously sinister undertones. Lorna and Bill, the epitome of happiness living in their pristine home, one of those nauseating couples. Perry and Ingrid; so, so charismatic and yet chillingly and subtly insidious. All four of them make for great reading. The 'revelation', OOH! Hand on heart, I can honestly say it wasn't something I had even contemplated.

Joy Wood has worked as a nurse most of her adult life and turned to writing six years ago to ‘see if she could.’ Her earlier work was adult romance and intrigue, but more recently she has switched genres to romance with a crime element. Joy lives in the small but charming seaside town of Cleethorpes in North East Lincolnshire and her writing ideas come from watching the tide turn daily, of course with the obligatory ice-cream – someone has to support the local economy!
Social Media Links ...
Twitter : @joywoodauthor

With thanks to Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for organising a paper copy. One of several bloggers participating in the Blog Tour of this book, agree or disagree with me, all opinions are my own; no financial compensation was asked for nor given; threats of violence towards my favourite teddy bear went unheeded as did promises of chocolate.

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