13 Aug 2024




Genre ... Contemporary Fiction / Women’s Fiction

Publication Date ... 28th July 2024

Estimated Page Count ... 264

Standalone Novel

Author Content Warning ... Bereavement

When all the lies and hypocrisy of the world become too much to ignore; when you see it all so clearly that you can’t erase the image from your mind, What do you do?

And is it even possible for ‘normal’ people to undertake a true journey of self-improvement without running away to a monastery up a mountain? Bekki is going to find out.
Notebook Number Nine is a life-affirming, often humorous story of self-discovery and what it simply means to be human.

Well! Where to begin?
In a nutshell ...
Beautifully written The first book I have read by this author, I'm sure it won't be the lastGreat characterisation ✔ There was just something about Bekki and her journey of self-discovery/improvement that resonated with me ... and not just on a superficial level eitherInsightful Incredibly thought-provoking, there is certainly much I took away with me such is the power of the narrativeQuirky Engrossing Had me hooked from the off and I'm sure will stay with me for a long while yetHumorous Ranged from the quietly understated to razor sharpAble to relate to Ideal for anyone who has ever wondered about a world in which greed and hypocrisy seem to flourish, truth and integrity ... Hmm! Not so muchA book I want to shout from the roof tops about
JACKIE CARREIRA is an author, playwright, musician, and co-founder of QuirkHouse Theatre Company with her husband, actor AJ Deane. Born in England to Portuguese parents, she grew up and went to school in East London, but also spent part of her early childhood in the Old Quarter of Lisbon with her grandparents. These colourfully diverse cities, and her ‘genetic nomad’ background, have always had a big influence on both her writing and her general view of the world. Jackie now lives in Suffolk with her husband, two cats, and a ridiculous number of books, most of which she hasn’t got around to reading yet. She spends a lot of time in public libraries, where there are even more books, but at least she doesn’t have to dust those. She is a proud patron of Halesworth Library in Suffolk.
Social Media Links ... Facebook @JackieCarreiraWriterInstagram @jackiecarreirawriterWebsite: www.jackiecarreira.co.uk
With thanks to Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for organising a paper copy. One of several bloggers participating in the Blog Tour of this book, agree or disagree with me, all opinions are my own; no financial compensation was asked for nor given; threats of violence towards my favourite teddy bear went unheeded as did promises of chocolate.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for such an amazing review. So glad you enjoyed my book. Shared on my socials.

nightwingsraven said...

Felicity, This sounds like a compelling and humorous book, which I will definitely keep in mind. And thank you for your excellent review. Raven

Kelly said...

Good review, Felicity. My library doesn't have this, but I was able to put in a request that they let me know if they ever get it. Fingers crossed. I love the simple cover!