Apart from the road, the quiet concatenation of the drink inside its can, when he opened it, was the loudest thing Jack could hear.
- At Hawthorn Time by Melissa Harrison Page 11
Concatenation; a series of events, ideas, or things that are connected
It was totally silent - she could hear rooks cawing outside, and the distant sound of a mower - but it a had pellucid, a listening quality that she believed could be found nowhere else.
- At Hawthorn Time by Melissa Harrison Page 50
- At Hawthorn Time by Melissa Harrison Page 50
Pellucid; very clear and shining,
very clear in meaning and easy to understand
"We're yet to establish our headquarters, but as soon as this brouhah with Barbara settles down, I'm sure we'd benefit from your experience."
- The Psychology Of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenhas Page 29
Brouhaha; excited public interest, discussion, or the like, as the clamour attending some sensational event; hullabaloo
an episode involving excitement, confusion, turmoil, etc., especially a broil over a minor or ridiculous cause
Her speech was wincingly non-u and Margaret assumed her position must be just as precarious.
- The Psychology Of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenhas Page 31
Non-U; not characteristic of the upper class, especially in language usage.

Some awesome words this week. I had only heard of brouhah before. Despite that, I think That pellucid is my favorite.
I am familiar with (used to?) brouhaha, and think it's a great word that sounds just like its meaning. Pellucid I've come across before, too, and think of it as extra lucid. Non-u is completely new to me. Excellent words and WWW post, Tracy!
I am familiar with brouhaha, but not
with the other words which you shared
with us. Thank you for a great post.
Pellucid is not pellucid to me!
The only one I knew was brouhaha. Sometimes I can figure out meanings by context, but I'm not sure I would have ever figured out that first one. Not sure I would have figured out the last, either, since I tend to associate speech with region rather than class.
I may be wrong but due to your comments I'm beginning to think that 'brouhaha' is/was more commonly used in America. I've been sitting desperately trying to think of another term perhaps more commonly used here in the UK but can't quite put my finger on it. Anyone care to help???
I loved these! Thanks Tracy :)
I love learning new words and meanings. Thanks, Tracy!
Brouha was the only one I was familiar with.
Hi Tracy,
Afraid I am pretty much in the same camp as everyone else with this little selection.
I know about brouhaha, which I have to admit, I have still be known to use on occasion!
I think that 'concatenation' is my favourite word, although in the context of the sentence you have used to illustrate it, I do feel that it might be a little unnecessary and 'over the top', and perhaps the author might have found a more appropriate word.
It sounds a little lame I know, but I simply haven't had the time to take part in this meme for some time now, although I am making notes about any new words I discover in my reading and one day soon I hope to get them published in a post!
Thanks for sharing, some great words :)
I like the brouhaha. I live in Los Angeles and I think there was once a cafe called Brewhaha. Only the smartest coffee drinkers went there! :)
I liked these! Thank you!
I feel sure I've seen pellucid before but I couldn't define it. Concatenation is new to me and I think I can use it if I can figure out how to pronounce it.
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