Whatever way you spell it, with what must be one of the most popular names amongst women of a certain age, the below graph certainly shows it spiking (at least in America) in the 1970's..
and standing at five foot three inches (what I thought was the average height for a British women though, hurrah, a recent trawl of t'net seems to suggest that I'm wrong, its .... five foot four inches) anything that sets me apart - yes, even that one inch - has to be a good thing but a bed-warmer, really?
Listed here on Joey's blog as one of the top ten strangest jobs, the question is, able to command up to $69,762 (that's 53,926.72 pound sterling), can Mr T afford me?

I could be entirely wrong, but I was thinking here in the US that the average height for woman was a bit taller than that. What I do know is that I've shrunk! At my peak, I was 5'7".
I am 5'3" :(
Tracy, I am only slightly above average myself.
Who knew there were such jobs as the ones you posted about?! Too funny!
Your fun Monday post made me smile. :)
Very interesting and entertaining post Tracy. It is fascinating how names go in and out of fashion.
I, too had to smile!
For my part, I am 1.55 m.
Oh gosh, it's crazy we stand in line for so much of our lives! I don't know when my name was the most popular. It's pretty common but I don't really hear it a TON to be honest.
I think the average height of an American woman is much taller. I'm 5'4, and I'm short.
Hi Tracy,
I too, thought that the average height of most women today would have been about 5'7", they all seem like giants compared to my dinky 5'3" - and lets not even get started on the size of most of their feet!
My parents obviously thought that they were being quite trendy back in the late 1950s, early 1960s. My brother was awarded two Scottish names, Ian Stewart and me two French, Yvonne Denise, although they always denied this, saying that they just wanted something original, which wasn't too likely to be shortened - WRONG!
My brother was constantly called I (pronounced EE) and I was Eve, Vonny or Flossy. And as for original - imagine their surprise on me starting at a small very local school, to find that there were another 2 Yvonne's starting at the same time!!
I'm not sure that any of Joey's job posts would really interest me, although if someone wants to pay me to queue for them, then I am more than happy to oblige, so long as I can pick who I stand next to in line and definitely not the numpty who managed to give me the dreaded lurgy :)
Such an amusing post, Tracy! And hurrah, we stand together, am at 5 foot 3 inches too. So interesting to know about the name, I like to think mine must be very common for women in India too though most tend to have a double A in the beginning.
Oh I feel tall and I'm not that tall. ;) Only have 2 inches on ya. :D I guess we both "stand" apart. LOL
I am only 5 feet, if that makes you feel any better, Tracy.
I think I'd make a good professional queuer too.
I stopped at 5! I wish...
Interesting! I'm 5 4" myself.
Happy weekend :)
I'm always surprised that other countries don't seem to do queuing! I've been in queues only for people from other countries to join the front or middle of the queue rather than the end of it and they always look confused when told off!
I've been 5' most of my adult life but the past few years I've been measured at 5'1". Not sure where that extra inch came from lol Yoga maybe? I'll take it!
My husband could be a professional queuer. he has the patient of a saint in lines.
For What It's Worth
I feel like my height is pretty average at 5 foot 7- but I may be slightly tall (my whole family is very tall and I am the shortest one). Growing up I was always the tallest in my class in elementary school and then everyone caught up. :)
Aww, you're TOTALLY above average in my book. ^-^
Ha ha thanks for the shout out, and yes we Brits have queuing down to a fine art!
I don't think Tracy is a common girls name now is it? Now Olivia tends to top the list each year.
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