OR as Mr T's vicar re-titled it .....
BACK COVER BLURB: Women now comprise almost half the priests serving in the Church of England. As a result, there are many male clergy spouses who have had to come to terms with the seismic shift that occurs in family life when a wife embarks on the journey from exploration of vocation - through selection, training and formation - to ordination and a life of ministry.
The author had his own busy career when he suddenly found himself playing second fiddle rather than being the 'doer' in the household. Not only did this subtly affect his marriage, but as friends and acquaintances became 'parishioners', he was required to respect boundaries, to be discreet and often to carry the burden of unsought confidentiality.
Drawing on these experiences and those of many fellow clergy spouses, this volume is a practical, informative and engaging guide to the joys and challenges of being married to a vicar. Part one deals with the process from initial call to ordination and beyond. Part two helps clergy husbands work through what their new role might involve. Part three looks at lifestyle and family issues, while Part four offers support and sensible advice if things go wrong.
FIRST SENTENCE {INTRODUCTION}: One Sunday afternoon a few weeks after Miriam's ordination, the doorbell rang.
MEMORABLE MOMENT: Please accept my apologies but for various reasons I won't be including my Memorable Moment.
SOURCE: A gift from Mr T's vicar. Depending on when I get around to posting this, on whether or not it is before or after the 24th of June, Mr T will either (A) be about to be ordained or (B) will have been ordained.
READ FOR: Not applicable.
MY THOUGHTS: A book that though largely aimed at the clergy husband many sections equally apply to the clergy wife as well. Indeed I'd even go as far as to say many will apply to the vicar him/herself.
Readable (I liked the fact there was no deep theology), humorous yet informative and practical (I particularly liked the chapters dealing with the issues surrounding the identity of being a clergy husband ... or indeed wife) BUT it has to be said some of the content did leave me worrying about things I hadn't thought to worry about before ... and believe me when it came to worrying I thought I had just about every eventuality covered. Then there was the fact that, obviously a Christian himself, the book didn't delve into what happens when your spouse is of a different/no faith or indeed of the same sex ... but then that really is a whole other story.

Hello Tracy, I’m not sure what to say, congratulations and good luck perhaps? I’m sure you will both take it in your stride, just keep reading the book. (This book and The Bible) :)
There are many female clergy in the Episcopal Church as well. One of the contributors to an annual devotional book I've read for years is a "clergy-husband" and he has addressed issues about that on more than one occasion.
Have confidence. This will all fall into place and work out well. I believe that!
I'm glad this survival guide is applicable to the clergy wife, and vicar as well. I missed reading the Memorable Moment. Best of luck!!
You raise an interesting question. What if the clergy person's spouse was a non - believer? I suppose such arraignments exist, though I think that it is likely rare.
Though this books seems a bit odd, it seems to open a window into a different world and I might find it interesting.
First, congratulations to
Mr. T. on his upcoming
But further, as someone without
a religion or faith, I am uncertain
what to say. But I think that both
your very personal review and the
book address heartfelt and interesting
Less rare than you might expect Brian, its no secret that I am not a Christian.
Congratulations to Mr T! And best of luck to you, Tracy! If nothing else, this new adventure is sure to be interesting. :)
I wonder how being a husband of a clergy woman is any different than being a husband of a woman with a successful career (like a CEO of a corporation). Maybe some points in this book are applicable.
Good luck to Mr. T on his ordination and I hope all goes well for you both! I liked your point about the fact the book didn't delve into spouses who aren't of the same faith/a different faith or even same-sex as I would have been interested to see those issues discussed too. Missed your Memorable Moment form this week but can understand why if this one hits home to you. Also, I tagged you in the Mystery Blogger Award - the link is here and should take you to the post: http://bit.ly/2tdlDEe - Tasha
Congrats to Mr. T!
I'm glad you found something to really give you food for thought. I always love books like that especially when it relates so personally.
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