AMAZON.CO.UK BLURB: Click on book title for synopsis.
FIRST SENTENCE {1}: When I was quite small I would sometimes dream of a city - which was strange because it began before I even knew what a city was.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 67/68}: Mary said afterwards that he hummed and ha'd for an un-conscionable time while he examined the baby in minutest detail. At last however, he emerged, with an expressionless face. In the little-used sitting-room he sat down at the table and fussed for a while about getting a good point on his quill. At last he took a form from his pouch, and in a slow, deliberate hand wrote that he officially found the child to be a true female human being, free from any detectable form of deviation.
MY THOUGHTS: The story of a society struggling to rebuild itself after what I presume is some kind of post nuclear war and one of the most thought provoking books I've read in a while.
As strange as it seems I couldn't help but think of the Salem witch hunts with Elias Strorm as some kind of latter day witch hunter general intent on sniffing out 'abominations' whether they be human, animal or indeed plants as opposed to witches.
One of the most chilling apocalyptic novels I've ever read. Made all the more so by the fact that the descriptions are subtle, almost neutral, and yet somehow deeply menacing all at the same time. The author having a wonderful way of planting a seed in the readers mind inviting us to fill in 'the blanks'.

AMAZON.CO.UK BLURB: Click on book title for synopsis.
FIRST SENTENCE: The farewell was beautiful.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 43}: 'But now that you have an independent income -' her mother protested.
'I know, darling. A sensible girl would go out and buy herself a husband.'
MY THOUGHTS: A good read, thought provoking, just not as gripping as The Chrysalids.
A slow start or is it more a case that the narrative is less intense. Either way, what an ending, not at all what I was expecting.
Intrigued by its female protagonist, something else I wasn't expecting, for me it wasn't so much the lichen (and its unexpected life prolonging properties) in itself that made the book as the exploration of feminism as the author explores the notion of longevity as a means of female emancipation.

This sounds very good. I would like to read it.
I tend to like post apocalyptic books. The themes and plot of this one sound both interesting and important.
I must admit I’ve only read one John Wyndham novel, The day of the Triffids. The trouble is the covers often put me off, and that would certainly be true of these. However, having read your review, I rather fancy The Chrysalids and will be looking out for a copy.
Thank you for the Christmas wishes, I hope you have a wonderful time.
Sounds like both of these were a hit! I haven't heard of either of them- so I appreciate the reviews. I will have to check them out. :)
Wow - this sounds fascinating! Great review.
Karen @For What It's Worth
You have me totally intrigued, and I'm even more so having read Barbara's comment as to what else he's authored. I'm definitely going to have to put the first on my wish list and possibly the second.
Good review!
Hi Tracy,
I must be one of the few who has never read, nor seen the film of 'The Day Of The Triffids' and it wasn't even one of my school mandatory reads for GCE English!
To be fair, I have never enjoyed science fiction and I have still yet to read any book whch is going to convince me otherwise and change my opinion.
Because your reviews were so honest, I did check out both your books and I also have to say that if I was going to choose one of the stories as a test of my ability to finish a sci-fi novel, then I would choose the opposite to you and go for 'Trouble with Lichen', as I am quite intrigued by the concept of defying age.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
Ooh The Chrysalids sounds really good, and I've not yet read anything by JOhn Wyndham, but his books have been on my list for a while as I quite like sci-fi and the added human elements they bring, so must check these two out! - Tasha
You've got my attention about these two. I'm not familiar with this author, but I think I might like to give him a try.
It's interesting, I didn't know about these ones
I like the cover on The Chrysalids and that one sounds chilling.
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