An Uncorrected proof copy, not for sale or quotation. A Song For Tomorrow is not available until February 9th 2017. However if you click on the book title it will take you to amazon.co.uk where you can view the synopsis and what I'm presuming is the actual cover image.
SOURCE: A GoodReads win.
MY THOUGHTS: Whilst not impossible to write a novel of this kind without it, I do think having experience of the challenges faced by those with a chronic (possibly life limiting) condition often brings a whole new dimension, a certain empathy if you will, to the writing. And, based on the author's own experiences after she too was diagnosed with a chronic condition, A Song For Tomorrow is nothing if not empathetic towards its characters. Yes, even those who you at first might think totally undeserving of it.
Told from multiple points of views, there is always the danger that the narrative becomes confused, the different threads lost, if only momentarily, along the way. No such worries here. The narrative flows seamlessly, Alice (loosely based on singer/songwriter Alice Martineau) and 'love interest' Tom's thoughts along with Alice's mother Mary's diary entries each adding to the telling of an exceptional fictional story of one young woman's struggle with a chronic lung condition as she fulfils her wish to become a singer/song writer.
Gritty, the author pulls no punches when it comes to the ramifications (both realised and possible) of Alice's condition, a box of tissues is highly recommended, but most of all this is a life affirming novel of making the most of every day, of following your dreams.
One of my favourite reads of 2016, everything I was hoping for and so, so much more. I had anticipated the ending going one of several ways and, without giving away the merest hint of a spoiler, am so pleased that it ended the way it did.

Wow. It sounds like the author did a remarkable job of infusing life in her characters despite the tough road they were given. Thanks for sharing! ☺
This sounds like the type of book one must be in the right frame of mind to read. I'm not sure it's one for me right now...
I'm glad it pleased you, though. You've deserved some good reads lately!
Hi Tracy,
Congratulations on your win!
I too, have done very well out of the Goodreads Giveaway wins, which is good for me, but not so good for volcano TBR, which is erupting all over the place!
This is another of those books which I wouldn't necessarily be drawn to on the shelves of the book shop. However, like the book I am reading at the moment, it sounds like a storyline that draws you in and exacts a great empathy from the reader towards the protagonist.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, as always they are clear and concise and I think you might have won me over this time :)
Not liking the sound of the tissues part, but I do like the empathetic feeling for someone with a chronic condition. I may have to read it for that alone! Brilly review!
Tracy, I am so pleased that you relished this book as much as you did. I will certainly keep it in mind.
I'm glad to hear you thought the author wrote this story well. It's definitely a topic not everyone can do! It's also great when more than one point of view actually works!
Great commentary on this book Tracy.
I agree that writing about such conditions by someone who has experienced them adds enormous weight and credibility to book. I wonder if someone could write a plausible narrative without some type of experience.
A really good When author can handle multiple points of view very well. It is a sign of good writing.
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