Anyone else having problems viewing Pen and Paper?
I was contacted this morning by a friend who informed me she was experiencing problems with my blog in that when that she visited her view of my font was 'a very tight itallic and unreadable' (as shown above). So far the only person to contact me, if anyone else is having problems viewing could they please let me know. Thank you.

Nope to me it's your usual typeface, but the italic does look classy. :D
Likewise as LL Cool Joe - I can see it absolutely fine.
It looks fine to me Tracy, but now I'm worrying about the size of text I use on my blog. It is very small, and I'm wondering if people might have trouble reading it. I must give it some thought.
Hope you are feeling better today.
Glad to see all seems well. Thanks for letting me know.
I don't think its so much the size of the font Barbara (yours is fine by the way) as that the italics are almost impossible to read (not something that shows up too well on this photo I know). Feeling a little better, I'd even go as far as to say I was feeling fairly human IF I don't move too much. I appreciate your concern and that of everyone else.
Nope. All looks fine here Tracy!
No problem ay all for me.
I'm fine with yours, but I still seem to be having trouble with Mr. T's, both on my laptop and my phone. I can't seem to view the entire post anymore.
Hi Tracy,
I'm really pleased to hear that you are feeling a little more like your normal self, even though this bout seems to have knocked you for six.
Everything is looking like normal this end, although what Kelly is seeing does look rather classy, if totally impractical :)
I hope that everyone is 'reading from the same page' again, very soon :)
Tracy, your blog looks fine on my computers as well! :)
That's interesting! It looks normal to me too. :)
I'm not having any problems viewing your page Tracy - looks all good to me here - I hope it sorts itself out. I hope you're feeling a lot better now too, I just saw your latest post - I'm sending you good vibes and get well hugs! - Tasha
Looks good on my end!
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