INNER FRONT COVER BLURB: In his old age Grandpa has become confused. He believes he is back in World War II when he was an RAF Spitfire pilot. Only one person can understand him: his grandson Jack. Together, they embark on the adventure of their lives.
FIRST SENTENCE {UP, UP AND AWAY}: This is the tale of a boy called Jack and his grandfather.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 292}: Oh no, thought Jack, my elderly grandfather is going to abseil down a building using only some frilly knickers.
SOURCE: A Christmas present, thanks Niece #2, Becky Boo.
MY THOUGHTS: Despite not always being too sure as to the suitability of these books for their intended market of children aged eight/nine and upwards (thank you Mr Walliams for using only one of what some would consider a 'rude' word) AND my concerns that shop keeper, Raj, verges on being a total stereotype (and not in a good way), I've always enjoyed David Walliams' book - some more than others, of course.
My favourite book of his to date. I loved everything about Grandpa's Great Escape from ....
- The style. From the amazing pen and ink illustrations from the highly talented Tony Ross to the different fonts, and 'differently placed' words that were used to such great effect,
- To the humour. Fantastically quirky. I so enjoyed the reference to slippers - having seen an elderly butler mistakenly serve them as crumpets in a previous book, I was delighted to see them mentioned again here. And then of course there was the mass exodus of OAP's - of which I'll say no more for fear of a spoiler.
- To, who would have thought it? The fact that I found myself with tears in my eyes ... and they weren't tears of laughing either. Oh, my goodness, what an ending.
But most of all I adored ...
- The relationship between Jack and his beloved grandpa. That Jack embraced his grandfather's rapidly progressing dementia. Something that incidentally the author dealt with amazingly well.
Not only a great yarn but also I'd suggest a great way to introduce the subject of dementia to youngsters who perhaps have ageing grandparents with the condition.

You had me at the cover ma'am and your review just cemented my interest. Sounds like a fun read indeed and the depth added with the relationship brings a smile to my face.
Sounds like a really well done book! I think I'd really like this one. Thanks for sharing!!
This sounds like a very good book - will I have to cover it in brown paper so other grown-ups won't know what I am reading!!
This sounds quite good, even if it did leave you teary. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Hi Tracy,
I have never read any David Walliams books, however friends with children of that age group, seem to have nothing but praise for his writing.
These days, it is very difficult to target a childrens book at a specific age group, as they seem to mature so quickly and be so much more advanced than we were at their age.
When it comes to YA fiction aimed at teenagers, I am completely at a loss, as to me there is almost little or no difference in the style and tone of writing between that and a book which is marketed to an adult audience.
I really do admire cover artists and their seemingly endless ideas and talent, I really do wish I had a small percentage of their flair and ability.
Although there are quite a few anomalies, I immediately thought of the Disney film 'UP', when I read the blurb for this book.
Thanks for sharing :)
I think that quality illustrations really add to a book like this. I really like the cover art.
Based upon your description this also sounds different. Such originality is not that common in children's books.
I love the cover, too, and this sounds like one I'd want to pick up. What a gentle way to introduce young readers to dementia.
Tracy, this must be a very affecting book. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Jack and his grandpa sound like terrific characters!
Thanks for the discovery, it sounds like a really nice one!
Sounds like a good one, especially if it moved you so much.
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