Hmm, having said that, perhaps more of an adult topic than is usual ...
'Maybe they were conscious when you asked them if they wanted tea, and they said 'yes'. But in the time it took you to boil the kettle, brew the tea and add the milk they are now unconscious .... Don't make them drink the tea. They said 'yes' then, sure but unconscious people don't want tea' ....

Talk about teaching grandma to suck eggs*....
New research by Oxford University in which researchers from Oxford and Finland combined the answers given by more than 1300 men and women from five countries to create a map showing where the touchable parts are for particular relationships and which are strictly taboo suggests amongst other things that men would rather be touched on their genitals by a casual female acquaintance than their mother whilst for women it was taboo to be touched intimately by anyone other than their mother or a partner.
There was a time when the correct breeding would out but in today's complex, hi-tech society the modern man could be forgiven for being bewildered as to what's what hence Country Life magazine (surely a sign of gentleman itself) has revealed the 39 steps of being a modern gentleman.
- Avoids wearing lilac socks (No, Mr T doesn't possess a pair of lilac socks)
- Has two tricks to entertain children (What? Only two? Why Mr T has several)
- Can undo a bra with one hand (Being a lady I'd never kiss and tell as to whether or not Mr T is capable of this or not)
- Knows when to use an emoji (Has he ever used one?)
- Never blow dries his hair (No, not something he ever does).
* An English language saying meaning that a person is giving advice to someone else about a subject about which they already know (and probably more than the first person). The origins of the phrase are not known though it has been suggested it comes from a 18th century translation.

Oh my. Well, yes only means yes when they're awake so I suppose it works, even if a little odd. Thanks for the share!
Thoroughly enjoyed all three of these articles (and had to share that "tea"'s brilliant!)
Had to chuckle at some of the things on the list for being a modern gentleman. I'm of an age and from a part of the world where I was raised to be a "lady" - for what that's worth. I'll also say I've known of men with "breeding" who were certainly no gentleman!
These always make me laugh! Good to see the police tackling consent too, it's scary how often this crops up in the media and how many people both male and female get taken advantage of in different situations. Thank you for your kind words as well! - Tasha
Just to be clear Mr. T possesses nothing at all in lilac and the bra thing is one of the tricks with which to entertain children. No hands at all.
Hi Tracy,
The police video cracked me up, even though I fully appreciate the seriousness of the message they were trying to get across. I have shared the article with my Twitter followers, so if everyone did that, then the message would be spread just a little further!
Mr G.
Does not possess anything in purple
Has plenty of tricks up his sleeve for any bored child present
Never uses emoji's (he's onviously not as common as me!)
Has no hair left worth blow drying although the hairdresser does try each month!
As for the bra stunt - I'm too much of a lady to tell :)
Have a good week :)
I didn't know they even made lilac socks for men!
sex to drinking a cup of tea? that is highly unusual, not sure i will ever see a cup of tea the same way again ha
I saw the map of touchable places based on relationship on Facebook this past weekend. I can't believe someone actually did research on that.
At lest this is right and they are teaching them NOT to rape rather than putting all the responsibility on the victim. Btw, what is wrong with lilac socks? LOL
Does anyone wear lilac socks??
This post cracked me up. Thanks. :D
I don't know hoe you find the fascinating articles you find- but you always keep me entertained. :) What a survey!
I had read that post comparing tea to sexual consent. It sounds so crazy and a bit humorous, but it really explains what sexual consent is, I think. More people need to figure it out!
Tracy, you've certainly provided us with another round of entertainment! I think my favorite is the last article, the 39 steps to being a modern gentleman (especially since I am a new but devoted fan of Downton Abbey). Have a terrific week!
Thanks for the insightful topics here. I'm bemused by the queer touchable and untouchable subject. Rather queer is human mind .
I know a lot of people who are talking a lot about the issues of consent. Though I do not if everyone I know would agree, that to video is priceless. It is in the end, mostly on target.
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