With previous winners including Tim Vine ...
'I decided to sell my hoover, well, it was just collecting dust
- 2014
and Rob Auton ...
'I heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing out an oriental chocolate bar. Could be a Chinese Wispa
- 2013
This years winner Darren Walsh is in good company with his one-liner ...
'I just deleted all of the German names out off my phone. It's Hans free.'
Not that I thought this the funniest of the bunch. No, that honour goes to number eight on the list ...
'Clowns divorce. Custardy battle'
- Simon Munnery
OR how about this one that didn't quite make it? ...
'I usually meet my girlfriend at 12:59 because I like that one to one time'
- Tom Ward.
My favourite joke at the moment (nothing to do with the festival), thank you to a good friend of mine who shared this on FaceBook ....

Ha ha ha! Love 'em Tracy. Especially the Rocher one. Thanks for the smile!
I read these recently and didn't find them that funny to be honest, especially the German names joke. I preferred "I suffer from PMS. My wife gets it and I suffer. " Okay that's a bit sexist but it is funny.
Now I'll go and hide...
The Pharaoh one is definitely my favourite! A lot of people think they're cheesy, but these are my favourite kind of jokes - I love puns and one liners, especially if they're done well. - Tasha
The pharaoh joke is my favorite, too. Of the others, I thought the 2014 winner is the best.
Thanks for making me smile! I need it since my laptop was sick, I just got it home from the "hospital", and it's still ailing! (just trying to quickly do what I can before it goes back to the hospital...)
Great ones, very funny
LOL love these! Very cute! Poppin by to say hello and hope all is well your way. Stop by my blog to say hi when you get a chance! :)
These are cute. I keep thinking of a dog that was named Hoover because he picked up EVERYTHING that was on the floor. LOL
Hi Tracy,
I quite like one-liners, although a comedian with the ability to carry on a storyline throughout his act, then deliver a full-on punch line at the end, will always be my favourite.
Your post set me thinking and I found this great site, full of one-liners ...
As for my favourite comedian ... John Bishop? - The Pub Landlord, Al Murray? - Michael McIntyre? ... There are just too many to choose from!
A nice cheerful post, thanks for sharing :)
haha fun post! I like the hoover one...and "hans free". quite clever.
Hahaha! Thanks for these jokes!
Hehe! I love cheesy jokes.
Karen @For What It's Worth
I see that you like puns Tracy.
I like the Hans Free ones the best.
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