WBN BOOK BLURB: Click here to view.
FIRST SENTENCE: Mrs Corrina Salbanna was woken from a deep
sleep by the sound of the front door banging in the wind.
MEMORABLE MOMENT: (Chapter Ten, Page 303) Every single man
had signed the petition. Tennison’s eyes brimmed with tears.
LEANNE'S THOUGHTS: Prime Suspect is the first novel in the Prime
Suspect trilogy, featuring DCI Jane Tennison as a tough, straight-talking senior
female officer, locked in a continuous battle to prove her worth to male
members of the chauvinistic and very traditional Metropolitan Police Force.
Having been a little too young to enjoy Prime Suspect as a TV series in the
‘90s, I was intrigued when the title was selected as one of the World Book
Night 2015 giver choices. I decided to make Prime Suspect my first choice and
I’m very glad I did.
Lynda la Plante’s characters are spot on. Tennison is
portrayed as a feisty, self-assured woman who will let nothing stand in the way
of her ambition; yet la Plante also allows the reader to gain an insight into
the softer side of the DCI’s character.
The plot is extremely tightly written, with no obvious gaps
at all. The fast, relentless pace of the narrative sweeps the reader along and,
by the end, I didn’t want to put the book down!
I thoroughly enjoyed Prime Suspect. I’ll certainly read the
two remaining books in the trilogy and I’m also very interested in reading la
Plante’s ongoing Detective Anna Travis series as a result of checking out the
author’s website. Great stuff!
My thanks to Leanne for not only sharing her thoughts on Prime Suspect but also along with Mr T for arranging the event which saw the giving away of almost 100 books to students and staff. TT

This sounds quite good and, considering (at this point) it is only a trilogy, I might well consider adding it to my wish list.
Thanks for bringing us Leanne's review.
Thank you for this lovely review by Leanne. World Book Night sounds like a wonderful event.
I'm glad you had a good time with this one, it's the first time I hear a bout it.
Oh I'm going to have to check out this author. This sounds like a good thriller!
Sounds like a highly successful event! I haven't read (or watched) Prime Suspect but I reckon it'll make a good read. I was watching Scott and Bailey some time ago and relished the circumstance of women leading the investigations while the men were their assistants.
I have never seen never television series.
This characters and situations sound very well crafted. For me that is essential in a book like this.
Sounds like a good one with the solid plot and enjoyment factor
Congrats on giving away so many books! Sounds like the World Book Night was a rousing success! And glad that Leanne discovered a great new series to read!
Sounds interesting and intriguing. Thanks for bringing us Leanne's review.
Thanks for sharing. This sounds like a really well done novel - and I like a good mystery.
What a wonderful event! I enjoyed this review and I don't recall ever hearing of the show- but the book sounds good. :)
Yay for the event but alas, I do believe this one may be suited for an audience minus myself. Cie la vie. Happy reading!
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