Personally I'd prefer to eat it ...
Shaving your legs with peanut butter is the quirky way of getting super-smooth legs this summer as according to a consultant dermatologist at a London clinic the old kitchen staple has moisturising benefits.
Doh! She did say your legs and not your face ...
Armed with a jar of Sun-Pat and a packet of disposable razors a man tried shaving his face with peanut butter .... and apart from it smelling nicer than shaving foam and tasting better when you licked it off your fingers it wasn't pleasant.
And now for the story that caught Mr T's attention ...
Having escaped from her field and been shot by police marksmen concerned for the welfare of the public a FaceBook group (RIP Wallsend Cow) had organised a candlelit vigil to pay respects to the cow affectionately named Bessie.

Shaving with peanut butter just looks like a mess! lol. And not to mention a waste of good peanut butter.
Enjoy your week!
Ha! I enjoyed both links about the PB shave, especially the second with the guy's blow by blow of his experience. Seems using PB would be a bit pricy, though.
I was sorry I clicked on the cow link. It made me sad seeing Bessie's photo (in better days). :(
Hi Tracy,
I have friends who were actually chased by a herd of cows over the weekend, whilst they were out walking their dogs. The owner of the cows wasn't impressed to find them on the public footpath (although they did make a quick dash for the gate and safety) and considered that his cows had the preferential right of way! I would love to have seen it - but it probably wasn't so funny if you were the one being chased :)
I can only echo the fact that shaving with peanut butter is such a waste, especially if it was the crunchy variety! If it made this much gunk and mess on a guys face, can you imagine the state after shaving a pair of legs UGH! Peanut butter is much better put to use in a sandwich or spread on toast.
Thanks for sharing and have a great week :)
Peanut butter as a shaving cream?! That is too "nutty" for words! Congrats to Alexander McCall Smith! Fun post, Tracy!
I'm trying to imagine how difficult it would be to rinse all that peanut butter off after. Sounds like more trouble than it's worth.
Hmm, wonder why its a fad? I heard different things over the years, conditioner, hand soap, microfiber towel, but haven't tried foods
Basically, peanut butter would destroy your razor...plus, what a mess!
What a waste of good Peanut butter :(
If I shaved my legs with peanut butter, I'd have every dog in the neighborhood trying to lick my legs!
Seems like a shame to waste perfectly good peanut butter on shaving your legs! Although I think my dog would love it, as peanut butter is her favorite food!
Oh no, poor Bessie :(
Sorry but despite its moisturizing results, I shan't be trying the pb shave. *shakes head*
Fatty O’Leary’ is such a good name for a pig – how funny.
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