THE POINT OF RESCUE (Culver Valley #3. Published as The Wrong Mother in the by SOPHIE HANNAH.

Last year, a business trip Sally had planned was cancelled at the last minute. Desperate for a break from her busy life juggling her career and a young family, Sally didn't tell her husband that the trip had fallen through. Instead, she booked a week off and treated herself to a secret holiday. All she wanted was a bit of peace - some time to herself - but it didn't work out that way. Because Sally met a man - Mark Bretherick.
All the details are the same: where he lives, his job, his wife Geraldine and daughter Lucy. Except that the man on the news is a man Sally has never seen before. And Geraldine and Lucy Bretherick are both dead ...
FIRST SENTENCE {1: Monday, 6 August 2007}: Or your family.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 58}: He'd seen lots of stabbings outside nightclubs, but not mothers and daughters dead in matching white bathtubs with funny curled-over tops and gold claw feet .... as if the bath might suddenly run towards him, disgorge its contents over him.
MY THOUGHTS: What turned out to be the third book in the Culver Valley series. Whilst I had read book one, Little Face in 2013 I hadn't read the second book in the series. Not that this made any difference as whilst it did star the same detectives (I thought I recognised the names but wasn't sure which in itself speaks volumes about the characterisation) the cases were totally different.
Largely unimpressed with Little Face, I'm afraid I had the same problems - unconvincing characters, a plot that falls the wrong side of plausible - with this.
Reading what feels like the very worst kind of crime movie. You know the kind, a damsel in distress who supposedly intelligent is clueless of any danger, a plot that relies heavily on coincidences and cops so inept as to be funny (surely I can't have missed something, surely this wasn't the authors intention).
I'm willing to give most authors a second chance (after all even the best of them can have an 'off day') but I'm afraid I won't be giving Sophie Hannah a third.

Well I guess I can safely avoid this author/series. I'll admit my first thought in reading the blurb was how stupid to enter into a deception like that in the first place, but maybe there really are folks in the world who would do something like that.
Thanks again for your usual honest and well-written review, Tracy. I will not add this one to my own TBR tower.
Sorry this wasn't a good book. I guess this is one I won't be reading.
Sorry this one didn't work out for you. I can't stand otherwise intelligent women who are clueless, and plots that rely on coincidences drive me mad! Won't be adding this one to my wishlist. Thanks for another great, honest review!
bummer! I was hoping you had enjoyed this one because the summary sounds great!
Aww too bad. it sounded like it had promise. Better luck next read!
Oh..uh! Sorry it wasn't to your liking. Thanks for sharing your views.
Hope your next read is incredible :)
Hi Tracy,
I must be about one of the only people around, who hasn't read 'Little Face' and after reading your views, I am not sure that I should be all that bothered about it!
I thought the premises for the three stories in this series, sounded okay, although not amazingly sophisticated or complicated and your review 'The Point Of Rescue' has certainly born this out.
I hope that your next book is much better for you and really gives you something to think about :)
Oh wow. I loved the premise on this one. It reminded me of a book called Six Years by Harlan Coben. LOVED that book...it DID live up to its premise, so you might want to check it out when you get your TBR pile all caught up!
I'm afraid I got a little fed up with this series too, I don't know if it was this book or the next one, I did enjoy aspects of them but also there were things that bothered me and put me off continuing with them. Hope your next read is better and well done on the TBR challenge.
Too bad that this was done so poorly. The premise sounds very good. In the right hans the plot could have really made for a worthwhile story.
I've got a couple of Sophie Hannah books in my TBR pile, but have yet to get around to them.
I was never much of a fan of police procedurals or cop shows or books of the same. It was never my thing. Although, I did watch the A Team, but that's not the same thing.
Maybe it is because my Grandmom always had the murder mysteries on like Hart To Hart, that Peter Falk show whose title escapes me now and many, many others of this ilk.
I am sorry you didn't enjoy it, but at least you know not to bother with book 2. So there's always that.
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