Your TBR Pile challenge and the third for the What's In A Name? 2015 challenge: A city category.

SOURCE: Ex-library stock.
BACK COVER BLURB: For Hannah Shapiro, a beautiful American student, this particular nightmare began eight years ago in Los Angeles, when Jack Morgan, owner of Private - the world's most exclusive detective agency - saved her from a horrific death. She has fled her country, but can't flee her past. The terror has followed her to London, and now it is down to former Royal Military Police Sergeant Dan Carter, head of Private London, to save her all over again.
Carter draws on the global resources of Private in a desperate race against the odds. But the clock is ticking .... Private may be the largest and most advanced detection agency in the world, but the only thing they don't have is the one thing they need - time.
FIRST SENTENCE {Part One: Chapter One}: Hannah Shapiro was having a wonderful day.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 365}: There was a chopping block on the desk and a white handkerchief was laid neatly next to it.
MY THOUGHTS: Implausible plot? Yes but within the bounds of realistic - though sometimes only just.
Cheesy dialogue? Without a doubt and yet this only somehow adds to the books overall wit and, in the case of main character, Dan Carter, his charm which is odd given that it verges on the sexist .... not normally something that endears a character to me.
OK so whilst arguably not a work of literary genius Private London is nevertheless a highly readable, page turner of a novel (made even more so by its incredibly short 116 chapters?) that despite it being the second book in a series is perfectly coherent as a standalone read.
With twists and turns aplenty - some of which I saw coming, others not. Not too action packed as to detract from the overall story and not as grisly as many others of its type. Private London is doubtlessly good value in that you get what is essentially two stories - the main one and a sub-plot. And yet, making for a slightly disjointed read that sometimes left me feeling a bit lost off, this is the one thing that I didn't particularly like about a book that I otherwise thought to be a satisfying read perfect for those nights when you can't sleep.

You're doing much better with these two challenges than I am! :)
Despite the two plots, this one sounds like it would be a great beach read! Glad you enjoyed it!
Oh 5 books? Way to go on the challenge!
This sounds okay. I run the gamut with his books. Brilly review!
Hi Tracy,
Well Done on getting so far ahead with your challenge, it sounds as though you are having fun.
I used to really enjoy a good James Patterson book, but these days I find them very ordinary and banal.
I am a fan of reasonable length chapters, so that there is a natural break in the reading, but Patterson chapters in all his books, are ridiculously short and makes the entire experience and storyline very disjointed.
I also don't get why there is always a co-author to just about every single one of his recent books, yet the credit for the finished publication, always heads in the Patterson direction!
I think that your review was very well balanced and considered under the circumstances, although I don't think this is a book I shall be adding to my own list!
Thanks for sharing :)
It's sometimes difficult to have 2 kinds of stories but ina whole it sounds interesting too.
Fast paced books like this with short chapters can be very entertaining.
I am guessing that the cheesy dialogue was intentional. I find that such writing can be used to good effect.
It's funny how the things that would normally turn us off in a book (or film), such as the cheesy dialog, are instead what makes one readable.
I don't think I've ever read a James Patterson book (I get him confused with James North Patterson - aren't they two different authors?), though I know plenty of folks who love him.
I haven't read any of these but my husband really enjoys them and has read quite a few, I think he likes them to read at bedtime with the quick short chapters and lots happening.
Clever way to do two reading challenges at once! The button for the TBR Pile challenge is adorable.
Thanks for your wonderful,incisive review, Tracy. I always enjoy your writing style.
The twists and cheesy dialogue adding to the wit sounds nice
I might give it a go though I have to admit the first line didn't dazzle me much ...
I do like a quick page turner every now and then. There is something to be said for a book that makes you keep turning the pages. Sounds like a good read for the beach. :)
Aww yes. I use to read Patterson's books voraciously and I remember those tiny chapters. They do work great when reading just before bed though. Easy to finish so as to mark the page. Now, mom is addicted to his writing. '-' Heh heh heh.
This sounds fun. I don't mind books that stretch believability as long as they are at least believable within the scope of the story being told. And cheesy can be funny if done right. It sounds like the authors were able to do both successfully, even with the books other faults.
This sounds good I am glad you enjoyed the ride and in the end that is all that really matters!
I fear I would fail miserable were I to try to actually succeed at any of the challenges. So kudos to you! I had hoped to get at least three or four books read this month, but have managed only one. I seem to spend more time trying to figure out what to read next then I actually do get to read.
Glad you enjoyed the story. I can see how it could have merit.
I don't mind the cheesy detective dialogue. One of my favorite movies of all time is Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. If you've never seen it, you might want to check it out. It isn't really like anything else Steve Martin has done.
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