With rank outsiders Camilla at 100/1 and Boris at 200/1 as the Duchess of Cambridge's due date approaches ten corgis gathered in Bloomsbury's Bedford Square in order to run a race, the winner of which would predict the new arrival's name and sex.
Having crashed into a customer and then, panicking, hit a customer service desk in a Sainsbury store in Newcastle-Under-Lyme an 80 year old pensioner has been banned from every Sainsbury's in Britain.
With a package containing one perfectly runny, pre-cooked boiled egg, pre-cut soldiers, salt and a 'spooth' (a spoon that includes a tooth to help crack the shell) an egg company has produced the yowk.

In what they admit is 'very unusual behaviour' Cumbrian police are hunting a middle-aged man who is slapping Carlisle shoppers if they sneeze.
And in the news from Europe ...
Representing the 137 chemical fingerprints of different types of micro-organism an alien colour chart has been devised by astronomers and biologists led by a team of German scientist to help them recognise extraterrestrial life.
And Russia ...
Claiming to not only have a healing effect and the ability to positively impact on the users mental state but also the physical strength (and staying power) of the yeti a Russian business is selling cans of air from Big Foot's cave.

Slapping people if they sneeze? Yea, you could say that is unusual behavior. LOL
Holy cow! These stories cannot be true! My favorites this week are about the corgis race and the bigfoot cave air cans. Thank you for the funny post, Tracy. :D
I laughed about the butting sheep. We use to have a big old goat who butted and it was downright scary!
The alien color palette story was fascinating.
I felt sorry for the poor old man on his scooter. Banning him from all the stores might be a bit drastic.
Oh gosh... the air from bigfoot cave thats something
That color chart, though ultimately likely not to be useful, is an interesting concept.
Really? An alien color chart? Good grief!
Loved the corgi race! Hope Kate and William have a girl and like the name Alexandra! Really cute video, so had to watch the race more than once. :)
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