HAMMER OF THE GODS. Well, full of lots of good old fashioned Anglo Saxon language and not short on violence either. Not a fan of either, surprisingly enough I found myself swept away by the events such as they were. That is until the very end when I found myself questioning what it was all actually about. TT
The king is dying and the younger son goes off in search of his older brother to establish the right of succession in tribal times of olde England. High idealism in the style, not a lot of plot going on but some fascinating characters to follow. Twilight star Charlie Bewely in the lead role takes his band of warriors on the journey and it is not one to watch if you're not into blood and guts... although seeing someone twist another's head off with their bare hands is something... not an easy thing to do. NJT

Legal tussle over custodianship set in the 70's. Marco's mother goes to jail and feckless bar-singer, neighbour Rudy and new partner Paul end up proving a home for the Downs Syndrome teen. The authorities are however not impressed and a bitter battle of law and love ensues. Alan Cumming camps it up nicely with passion and anger but with delicate moments throughout. Gay couple; disabled kid, black lawyer, soliciting druggie mom, a smorgasbord of issues. Hankies at the ready... NJT
THE SESSIONS. "Are you religious?"
"Yes. I would find it intolerable not to be able to blame someone for all this ..."
Cracking film, well worth watching. Delightful juxtaposition of Mark's sessions (John Hawkes) with a sex therapist (Helen Hunt) interposed with his confessional with his parish priest (William H Macy). Mark spends most of his time in an iron lung and has never known intimacy, this is his journey. NJT
A witty, surprisingly moving and thought provoking film all about one man's need for intimacy. Whilst for time immemorial there have been movies about virginity - the losing of it, the trying to lose it, the regretting losing it, - this is something quite different in that it takes a look at the often taboo subject of sex and the disabled. TT
LAST VEGAS. Easy watching, some good dialogue humour and bitter-sweet tales as four lifelong friends in their last flush of youth go to Vegas for a Bachelor weekend. NJT
A diverting enough film in the vein of The Hangover series of films but only more entertaining - oh and with a more, shall we say, mature cast. Last Vegas is all about friendship as four old friends break free of their various 'prisons' for one last weekend of debauchery. TT

I've not seen anything on your list this time (though my husband might have seen The Hammer of the Gods). I do remember seeing the previews for Sessions and I'm not sure if it ever got put in our queue or not. Perhaps it should. I also want to look into Last Vegas a little more closely.
I'm so glad you're doing these posts now!
I haven't seen any of these but I like the sound of the Alan Cumming one. He is brilliant in The Good Wife on tv and I bought his autobiography recently, looking forward to reading that.
I haven't seen or heard of any of those.
I've only seen The Internship, which I did find amusing. haha
Tracy, I am not familiar with these, but I will keep your reviews in mind. (I like your graphics.)
the social and emotional; mix sounds interesting with any day now.
As i have been so busy there are so many films that I want to see that I have not. Some of these sound very good.
I definitely want to see Ant Day Now sooner rather then later.
I've only seen one of these and it was Last Vegas. I agree with the review totally! :)
I think I watched maybe 5-10 minutes of The Internship but haven't heard of the others.
Any Day Now sounds like a good one for me.
Karen @For What It's Worth
Any Day Now sounds good.
I must admit, I've not seen the lot of them. Glad you found a few you enjoyed though!
Really enjoyed this post! I've only seen Last Vegas and enjoyed it, but no desire to see the others. Hope this is a regular feature now!
Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...
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