Source: Ex-library stock.

Imprisoned together and condemned to death, Wisty and Whit begin exhibiting strange abilities and powers they never dreamed of. Maybe there is a reason they were singled out. Can this newly discovered witch and a wizard master their skills in time to save themselves, their parents - and maybe the world?
FIRST SENTENCE {Prologue: Wisty} It's overwhelming.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 159}: She was a Half-Light, I assumed, even though I'd never pictured dead girls wearing tank tops and pleated skirts ... and chewing bubble gum. And do dead girls really need glasses? Maybe it was a fashion statement.
MY THOUGHTS: Despite promising myself that unless asked to do so by an author/publisher I wouldn't begin any books that were part of a series I found myself buying this. Though in my defence despite the hardback copy (shown upper left corner) I read having 'A Brand New Series' emblazoned across the top I hadn't actually realised it was part one in what I believe is currently a four part series (with a 5th in the pipeline) until I got to the last page and saw the words 'To be continued'.
Despite to all intents and purposes looking like a 'grown-up' read (at least this edition did, I've seen others that I'm presuming were designed for young readers) I felt Witch And Wizard was very much suited to young teenage readers and perhaps even those who though younger are mature readers.
A quick read made even faster by the fact that many of its 104 chapters were barely a page and a half long. Whilst on the face of it I can find very little to actually recommend it I have to admit I found it totally compelling, a novel that once begun was impossible to put down.
Told from the point of view of both the Witch (Wisty) and Wizard (her brother, Whit) of the title the story begins in the stadium in which the siblings are about to be executed by the N.O. (New Order) before drawing the reader slightly back in time to their arrest and subsequent adventure.
Featuring not only a drumstick wielding (best not to ask but all will be revealed in the book) fire starter witch and a Quarterback wizard who have yet to learn the full extent of their powers, some 'Half-Lights, some 'Erlenmeyers' and what turns out to be the cutest 'Hellhound' ever in a novel that though enjoyable in its own right will more likely than not disappoint those expecting Harry Potter does The Hunger Games.
Though arguably utter nonsense I thought it highly gratifying nonsense that will I've no doubt be adapted for the big screen.

Copyright: Tracy Terry @ Pen and Paper. All original content on http://pettywitter.blogspot.co.uk/ is created by the website owner, including but not limited to text, design, code, images, photographs and videos are considered to be the Intellectual Property of the website owner, whether copyrighted or not, and are protected by DMCA Protection Services using the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Title 17 Chapter 512 (c)(3). Reproduction or re-publication of this content is prohibited without permission.
I've heard of this book, but I didn't know the story...
But are there four books, yes? This you wrote about is the first?
I think it still doesn't have in Portuguese. It's a pitty!
Like Camila I also heard of this book, but never really knew what it was about. Yeah, okay, witches and wizards..the plot? No idea. I do like a book that's a quick read.
I'm not wanting to start any new series, either....but I have to admit this sounds fairly interesting.
I don't think I've read any James Patterson books. Based on your review, yes, I can imagine this in movie form.
lol it's impossible to not start any new series! Too difficult. I didn't know this one but it would be nice if we had a movie like that I could watch it.
Thanks for your honest review, Tracy. I'm glad you found this book entertaining.
The premise reminds me a little of the "Escape from Witch Mountain" "Return to Witch Mountain" books I loved as a kid! Sounds great.
This seems like a change of pace for James Patterson. It also sounds like a fun book.
I understand your hesitation about series. They can be compelling when the books are good.
Hi Tracy, I think you are probably right. This will be made into a film! I won’t read the book but would definitely watch the film.
Thanks for your suggested book titles, the author will be picking the winner.
Have a good weekend.
I've heard of this book. Perhaps one day, I will read it.
Hm... I'm not sure that this one is for me. I did read a couple of chapters of the book and it was interesting enough. However, I do see what you mean about it being for younger audience.
this would work for me. Will have to check if my library has a copy
From my experience, anything with James Patterson's name on it promises to be a fast-paced book. I haven't read any of his YA fiction, only some of his adult thrillers, although nothing he's co-written. This sounds like it would be good.
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