SOURCE: Won at a FaceBook event promoting the book.
Throughout most of my life, I have enjoyed reading to children, especially the little ones, who are, in my experience, the most responsive audience of all. Children love nursery rhymes and poems and so do I. I love the simple stories they tell, as do the children. However, it is the rhythm that really grabs their imagination.
One little girl told me that a nursery rhyme was like singing without music.
Most of the rhymes we know and love, with certain exceptions, were written in the nineteenth century. They tell of kings and queens, of wonderful times and of tragic times. So what about now, what about the twenty-first century? I was thinking one day and wondered if, perhaps I could write some that were fresh and new.
This book is my humble attempt to do just that. I do hope you enjoy it.
..... Outer back cover
FIRST LINE OF FIRST RHYME {LILY BROWN}: Lily Brown went into town to buy a bag of sweets,
MEMORABLE VERSE {Page 16}: 'The Sausage and the Sprout'. A poem about a sausage and sprout who fall in love.
MY THOUGHTS: Written by an author perhaps best known for The Willigrews, a series of books about a tribe of small, green, fluffy creatures, My Mate Sam And Other Rhymes is a collection of some twenty poems, some only a few lines long, others longer, that with fun illustrations are perfect for children of all ages.
Thoroughly enjoyed my both my great-nephew (3) and myself. For a child who loves books but is not known for his attention span I was surprised at just how long he sat and found that if his attention did began to wander a little it was quickly regained by the colourful illustrations that he was only too happy to talk about.

Aww! It sounds like an adorable book! Thanks for the review!
This sounds delightful and I love the notion of a nursery rhyme as "singing without music".
My mother sang to me and read nursery rhymes as I did for my kids. I should for my grandchildren more than I do.
I can see why this one would be a big hit with young ones. :-) It's funny how many of the nursery rhymes I grew up on I learned as songs and so when I read them to my daughter, I often end up singing them. :-)
Sounds sweet! This summer I'm going on a vacation and seeing my nieces again, this would be awesome to read to them. :)
Nina from J'adore Happy Endings
A 3 yr old sitting still for a story? Oh this has to be a good one. Will recommend it to some little cousins!
This sounds like it would cast a spell over children of many ages!
sounds lovely! I like books like this...such as Shel Silverstein and the like. That's great your great-nephew loved this too.
This sounds so cute, and I absolutely love what the author says in the outer back cover. Makes me want to pick this one.
Gosh, a sausage and a sprout fell in love? Sounds crazy and fun. Glad to know Little Plum enjoyed it!
aww, this sounds so delightful!
thanks for the review!
big hugs!
Thank you for your kind comment Mahesh MSA but unfortunately I had to delete it as I do not accept advertising.
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