Do you live with a grumpy old man? Does he chunter about pot holes, the failing economy and the weather all day, then zap through all the television channels at night, never pausing long enough to watch anything? Is your chap wrestling with the idea of retirement, or has he begun to get under your feet?
Well, look no further, for this little book could save your sanity. It offers innovative and amusing ways of keeping your curmudgeon occupied and out of your way.
Instantly transform your grump into a more content human being. No magic, no tricks, just 700 suggestions and amusing ways to cajole your GOM into a new activity or, indeed, to keep you chuckling.
This book is perfect for every person who lives with a grumpy old man. It will save your sanity and probably your Grumpy's life.
Remember: a grumpy is for life, not just for Christmas.
...... Outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Introduction): If you have picked up this book, you more than likely have a Grumpy Old Man to deal with.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 39): My friend's husband enjoyed his new hobby of interior design so much, he got carried away with enthusiasm, and she had to wear sunglasses to walk into the kitchen. It ended up bright canary yellow and puke green. Taking it up doesn't mean they are good at it.
MY THOUGHTS: Not only a great guide as how not to murder your grumpy by keeping him from getting under your feet, this is also full of 'jokes' (most of them pretty bad it has to be said but that's more than OK with me) and interesting facts that who knows may well come in useful should you or your grumpy decide to join a quiz team which incidentally is just one of the many, many pastimes suggested in this A to Z guide of activities.
A fun book with some 700 suggestions ranging from Aviation by way of Molly Dancing through to Zumba, at less than 100 pages I wish it was longer.
KEEP IT OR NOT?: A giveaway win courtesy of the author, Carol E Wyer and blogger, Dizzy C, I'll be passing this onto another grumpy's partner who I know will appreciate it as well as ordering extra copies for all those who have their own GOM.
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Glad you enjoyed this one, Tracy :)
This sounds like it would be hilarious! It's probably not one I'd buy but I would definitely read it if it came into my possession!
This sounds like a really fun book. Of course we might debate the issue of who is the grumpier in our household!
This sounds pretty funny!
Sounds like a fun one. And I can think of a couple women who might get a kick out of it.
How funny! I am not sure my husband is grumpy enough for me to get much use out of the book, but maybe when he's older. I can see him going that way in a few years. LOL
It would have been the perfect book for my mother when my dad was alive.
I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you enjoyed the book. Youhave made an old lady very happy indeed. I might even bake a cake for my Grumpy to celebrate...better still, I might let him bake one!
Thank you so much for this wonderful post and hope you'll come along to the next tour where you could win any one of a number fo fantastic Grumpy prizes. xx
Sounds like it might have its moments and it's always good to learn more ways to avoid murdering someone (LOL!). Great share! ^_^
Hi Tracy,
If you listen to my 'significant other', he will be only too quick to tell you that I am the grumpy one in our household and I have to say, that much of the time he would probably be right!
This is not the kind of book that I would go out and buy, but we get quite a lot of this type of book donated in, to the charity shop where I volunteer, so perhaps it is one that I need to buy if I spot it go through, then perhaps hubbie can practice some of the transformation tools on me!!
These are the kinds of books that you get from younger relatives, who can't think what else to buy for you and which you only browse through once before consigning them to the back of the bookshelves, until the next clearout!
I am surprised that you aren't holding on to your copy, for use in some of your future side-splitting posts .... LOL!
Oh this one sounds like a good funny book!
This one does sound like fun! I bet it will be enjoyed by many. :)
700 suggestions?! This books does sound terrific! I enjoyed your review as usual, Tracy.
Sounds like a fun read, even with the silly jokes! Think it would make a great retirement gift too. After all, we love our Grumpys, even if we do want to murder them sometimes! *L*
My hubby's cranky, but he's not old. I imagine he would be very cranky, though, if he knew I bought a book about how to keep him active so he'll stay out from under feet.
Interesting topic. Do you think it works for a grumpy woman ..my husband would need one! Hehehe..
Sound very amusing and possibly helpful.
Though not a direct problem for me I know someone that this might help.
This DOES seem a useful book - and much needed, but I might rather just kill him - less work in the end. It irks me that women even have to think about mollifying grumpy old men. There aren't many men out there who would do much more than yell at a bitchy old woman even though they are likely the cause of the bitchiness.
Sounds like fun, especially if you wished it was a longer read.
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