Congratulations to my fellow blogger buddies, to Ashok @ ASHOKISM for the Liebster Gold ribbon, to Anilkurup @ MUSINGS for the Liebster Heart rosette, to Jess And Stephanie @ THE SECRET DMS FILES OF FAIRDAY MORROW for the Inspiring Blogger award, and many thanks for thinking of Pen and Paper. You know its always nice when someone passes on one of these awards but just as nice is the support and encouragement I receive from you all.
Never one to shy away from issues on his thought provoking blog, Musings, needless to say Anilkurup, thankfully the only one to have any conditions attached to his award, came up with some pretty deep questions.
- Are you proud of your country, if so why and if not why? I don't want to seem as if I'm sitting on the fence but I really need to say both yes and no to this one. Proud of so many things - our reputation of tolerance, the fact we don't have the death penalty, our health service - I am however increasingly less proud of our government's treatment of the most vulnerable in our society.
- What have you given back to the world you live in and/or what do you intend to give in your life time? (Laughs) Why, I've given you Pen and Paper, what more do you want? Seriously though, though I haven't always been able to give as much financially as I would like I'd like to think that through my voluntary work I've given something just as important and precious - my time and dedication.
- Are you afraid of death? Hmm, yes. A bit of a control freak, I think its the uncertainty, of my not being in control, and, of course, the thought of leaving loved ones behind that scares me most.
- If you were to meet God in real life what would you do? Though I am what I consider a spiritual person I don't believe in a God as such and therefore if I were to meet him/her I guess I'd have to admit I was wrong and they did exist.
- Would you want to make the future not mysterious? No, I'm not that big a control freak that I don't enjoy a little mystery.
- Will you stand up for banning capital punishment, if not why? Against capital punishment. I think the memoirs of Albert Pierrepoint who, though once described as the most efficient executioner in British history, eventually concluded that the death penalty was not a deterrent is amazing reading and should be read by everyone.
- What would you like to be if given a choice - king, an elected ruler or a fascist? Ooh, an elected ruler? But then Queen Tracy does have a certain ring to it.
- Would you like to be like somebody? If so why and if not why? Not sure what you mean by this. Would I like to be somebody in general or somebody as in somebody famous? Either way, no, I kind of like being me.
- Do you think emotions are for weaklings? If not why? No, in fact I think it can be a sign of strength.
- What in your opinion is the reason for the misery in the world? Selfishness, Greed, Intolerance, being unable to put ourselves in another persons shoes, I could go on ....
- If there is another life what would you want to be, male or female? (Laughs) I'm going to let you into a little secret here .... I've always wanted a penis for the day, just to see what its like.
And now for 11 things about myself ......
Given that I've already mentioned I'd like to have a penis for the day can we make that 10?
- I once milked a goat
- Mumps, German Measles, Chickenpox - the only common childhood ailment I haven't had is measles
- Blood, vomit, the diahorrors? I can cope with them all but wiping a snotty nose is a no-can-do
- I can't help but wonder what the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt would make of the McDonald's in plain view of their final resting places
- Whilst I don't mind a little bit of dust things not being in their place drives me mad
- The only sport I was ever any good at was netball
- I wish I'd learnt to crochet like my nana, to knit like my mam
- I love having my hair stroked
- One of my most prized possessions is my grand-parent's anniversary clock. Sadly no longer working I'd love to have it restored
- The most beautiful place I have ever visited was the Blue Mosque in Istanbul.
And so onto the hard bit.
As always I have difficulty in passing these on as to me each and every one of you are deserving but today I'd like to pass these awards on to my creative blogger buddies who may or may not post about books ........
Though I know some of you are award free zones if nothing else please accept my appreciation and admiration of your creativity.
To .......
Disclaimer #1 :Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.
To .......
- A blond duck, A DUCK IN HER POND
- Betty at CUT AND DRY
- Nikki over at NOTES OF LIFE
- Jean @ WOOF
- Marinela @ SHORT POEMS
Darn, I knew there was something I forgot. Happy for the above bloggers (or any one else for that matter) to answer the questions I answered or simply to tell us 10 facts about themselves but only if they so wish
Disclaimer #1 :Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.
First of all congrats on all your awards. Your blog really deserves it. Secondly, thanks very much friend for all the appreciation. Its for readers like you and your regular visits that my blog exist and could sustain so long. Warmest regards to you.
Very thought provoking questions and I enjoyed reading your answers.
And it's always fun learning more little facts about you!
Congrats on the awards for certain...and interesting bits and bobbles about yourself there. Have to agree, haven't seen a set of questions/answers quite like this attached to an award before. Certainly makes it more so than simply a pretty picture.
Well, Thank you Tracy! I'll do a post then - do I answer the same questions as you did? And then list 10 things...and I will check out the others too.
I was going to respond to various of your statements but seeing as I am to answer the questions anyway, I'll do it there.
I knew there was something I forgot. Happy for you to answer the questions I answered or simply tell us 10 facts about yourself.
You have made my day! Thanks so much -- you are definitely a star in my universe!
Congrats on the award Queen Tracy! Loved your answers, especially the second one!! Others too, gave an insight into the kind of person you really are. Have a lovely week ahead :)
Great to know a little more about you. And some of those questions were pretty thought-provoking, thanks for sharing your opinions.
Congrats on the awards!
Congrats on the awards! I like the list of 10 facts. Always interesting to learn more about the bloggers we read. :)
Congrats on all your awards. Your blog really deserves it. Loved your answers :)
Thank you Tracy!
Congratulations, Tracy! Your blog is award-winning in my book, too!
Congrats on your awards! Plus, I love your answers. Always nice to get to know a fellow blogger better!
Hi Tracy,
What a great post and some very deep and meaningful questions from Anilkurup. It is always good to get to know the real person hiding behind the book.
I took part in a similar post quite a while back now, when the question posed was 'Tell us 20 things about yourself, starting each answer with "I AM". I laboured over this for some considerable time before I was actually happy to publish my responses...
Many congratulations on your awards, they are well deserved, your posts are always entertaining and interesting.
Thank-you Tracy. I truly appreciate your support via your visits and comments. Some day life my permit us to meet and that would be awesome.
Hello Queen Tracy,
Thanks for the acceptance.
I feel good that the questions asked were appreciated.
Of the answers , the last one is rather a miscellaneously curious ask ha!
Interesting post Tracy! Glad to be back after a long break.
Congrats on all the awards! You deserve them all. I have so much fun visiting your blog. :)
I found your answers fascinating. You did have to answer some deep questions! Thanks for sharing. I have never milked a goat- how interesting!
Hiya, thanks for the mention and congrats on your awards, you know how much I appreciate you leaving a comment on my poor blog ,and by reading all these comments so does everyone else , your answers were very interesting to read , I,m like heather , someday sometime we will meet up
aww, tracy, thank you so much for thinking of me! i really appreciate it so very much.
and congrats on all the awards. you really do deserve them!
also loved reading your answers. always interesting to learn more about you, my wonderful friend!
big hugs!!
congrats on the awards Tracy, very well deserved!
Great answers!
Thank you very much!
Here's one fact for you... I once stood on stage with Ken Dodd! :D
I answered the questions via Jean's blog, sorry I didn't realise that they came from you, which is my fault for not reading Jean's post properly.
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