"Manners maketh man."
- William of Wykeham, Chancellor of England, Bishop of Winchester and founder of New College, Oxford, and Winchester College.
In a recent interview, Michelle Dockery, who plays Lady Mary in DownTon Abbey, bemoaned the lost art of chivalry commenting.......
“Those old manners – such as men standing when women arrive at the dinner table or opening doors for you – are lovely,” she said. “But young men wouldn’t think about that for a second because it’s not the culture any more.”
Or is it just that with the advent of the so-called Girl Power a whole generation of women have grown up thinking men are treating them as the weaker sex who are unable to open a door for themselves? Its either that OR a whole generation of men have grown up never for one moment even considering that a woman might actually enjoy having a door held open for her?
Hmm, I wonder.
Anyway in a Telegraph article journalist Iain Hollingshead offers this somewhat tongue-in-cheek do and don't guide to chivalry for the confused and fallible 21st-century male - click HERE to view in full.
Do ......
Offer a pregnant woman your seat
Check that the “pregnant” woman isn’t just a bit fat
Check again
Try to remain calm when you’re slapped in the face by an outraged fat woman
Don’t ......
Put your armpit in a short woman’s face
Hit anyone with your man bag, unless they’re a tourist
Get on the Underground without letting people off first, unless it’s rush hour on the Northern Line, in which case it’s every man and (pregnant) woman for themselves
Do ......
Offer to carry a woman’s bag if it looks heavy
Don’t ......
Be too offended when she calls the police.
Do ......
Congratulate a female colleague on her forthcoming marriage
Don’t ......
Ask her when she’s going to have children – and whether this means you can take her job
Do ......
Include your female colleagues when you visit a strip club with clients
Don’t ......
Be surprised when they sue your firm for £10.4 million for sexual harassment
Do ......
Take your statutory paternity leave
Don’t ......
Tell your male colleagues how much you enjoyed it
Do ......
Be encouraging to the girl on work experience
Don’t ......
Show her round the stationery cupboard
Do ......
Offer to pay
Repeat your offer when she counter-offers to “go Dutch”
Give in gracefully when she insists for a second time
Don’t ......
Suggest you should go Dutch straight away
Point out that she had a more expensive starter than you and should
pay accordingly
Invoice her after the third date when she refuses a fourth
Do ......
Hold a door open for a woman
Hold a door open for a man
Don’t ......
Get too upset when no one says thank you
Do ......
Ask a girl to dance
Dance well
Try to kiss her
Don’t ......
Lunge unsuccessfully more than once
Dance too well
Do ......
Ask her before she asks you
Ask her before she asks you to ask her
Ask her father for permission unless she would definitely like you not to ask her father, but you can’t ask her to find out – you should just know
Go down on one knee, unless she’d rather you didn’t
Have a perfect ring, unless she’d rather choose it together
Make it more romantic, more memorable and more impressive than all her friends’ proposals put together
Don’t .....
Forget a single one of the dos
Do ......
Say how nice the bride looks
Don’t ......
Point out how much money they could have saved if she had only worn that nice dress she already had in her wardrobe
Do ......
Stand up when a woman comes into the room
Don’t ......
Stand up if the room they’ve walked into is the lavatory
Do ......
Flirt gently with your hostess
Don’t ......
Ask her to leave the room after pudding so the men can talk business
Do ......
Offer to drive your wife home
Don’t ......
Put your keys in the bowl in the middle of the table first
Do ......
Stand your round
Pretend you’re interested in football
Don’t ......
Order shandy
Do ......
Take out the rubbish
Put up shelves
Deal with spiders
Learn how to change nappies
Don’t ......
Suggest that maternity leave is just a paid holiday
Do ......
Fend off burglars
Don’t ......
Kill them
Do ......
Use moisturiser
Don’t ......
Tell anyone about it
Do ......
Pretend you’re trying your hardest
Don’t ......
Slam a smash into your friend’s wife’s face
Do ......
Turn up
Hold your wife’s hand
Be sober
Don’t ......
Be upset that when in the throes of labour pains your wife draws blood with her nails and calls you a ******* ****
Do ......
Pretend you know something about wine when the sniffy maitre d’ thrusts a menu at you
Don’t ......
Automatically choose the second cheapest
Do ......
Sniff, swill and taste without giggling
Don’t ......
Send the screw-top white back because it’s corked
Do ......
Pretend that you’re just as interested in Downton Abbey as Top Gear, Ultimate Force and Scrapheap Challenge
Don’t ......
Take too seriously the views of an actress asked about modern manners
OR, might I suggest, a journalists article on chivalry for the confused and fallible 21st-century male.

wat an awesome list of dos and donts...hey super ya...and thanks friend for the nice words..wishes
Ha, I love this list. I'd say I have just as much trouble looking interested when people are watching a football game as they do when I watch Downton Abby.
Too funny! Gonna have to share this with a few people at work...LOL. Thanks for the smile! ^_^
I agree that most of them are extremely useful and should be part of the curriculum for male teenagers.
But I really didn´t get the point of these:
Do ......
Fend off burglars
Don’t ......
Kill them
Please, just once in a while...?
Standing Ovulation---OVATION!!! I can now go back out in public again and remain Chivalrous! I couldn't change now if I had to!
You are the Best!
This was SO entertaining!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. :)
LOL These are so funny! Love them. :D
I'll have to make it a point to visit here more often ..they say laughing makes one healthy & live longer. I always enjoy the humor I find here. --btw, thanks for stoppin' by my blog and visiting me often. :)
haha, these are funny :P
This was so fun to read. And besides being amusing, they were pretty on the mark for much of it!!
It is nice to see someone with manners. Even an I'm sorry, or giving up their seat. People seem to have lost that anymore. And I don't know how to get it back to our youth again. It's very hard.
Loved reading these dos and dont's! It's often tricky to be polite and politically correct simultaneously.
On a (sort of) related note, I received Dont's for Husbands today in the mail, a belated gift for my hubby. I know he will enjoy it!
Wonder when I will ever graduate.
Love it! Your blog posts always brighten my day :-)
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