Surely it's normally a case of people trying to break out of a prison.
THIEVES BREAK INTO PRISON. Thieves broke into a prison to steal cigarettes worth £8,000, climbing a fence and evading officers to swipe the cases of tobacco from a workshop in the jail, near Preston.
'Normally the inmates can’t wait to get OUT of here... so having the opposite happen has caused much mirth,' a source said. - Joanne McCabe, The Metro (21/11/2011)
And staying with other rather foolish fuelish thieves .......
THIEVES FORGET TO FILL GETAWAY CAR. TWO women stole hundreds of pounds worth of booze from a supermarket — then realised their getaway car had no fuel.
Rose Devlin, 59, and Denise Egan, 52, stole so much alcohol at the Asda they struggled to shut the boot.
And when they jumped in to drive off they realised the motor was out of fuel — and Egan had to push it to the supermarket petrol station to fill up. - Jane Atkinson, The Sun (23/11/2011)
Being banned from all shops that sell chocolate has to be one of my worst nightmares.
SUSPECTED THIEF BANNED FROM SWEET SHOPS. A SUSPECTED sweet-toothed thief has been banned from all shops which sell chocolate.
Police took the unique step after arresting the teenager on suspicion of stealing chocolate from three separate shops in Southend in a week.
It is alleged he has a particular hankering for Galaxy. - Laura Smith, (Southend) Echo (21/11/2011)
COUPLE MARRY IN COW-THEMED WEDDING. Lovestruck farmers Michael Hanson and Hayley Morgan said 'I moo' during a cow-themed wedding.
PLEASE NOTE : Wherever possible I will endeavour to bring you the links to articles I have used in my Media Monday posts but this is not always possible.
PUSH THE BUTTON FOR A HUG. Eagle-eyed pedestrians have spotted an artistic take on pedestrian crossing, with a hug or tea offered at the push of a button.
Carlton Jefferis spotted the tea crossing in Bristol and tweeted a picture to his followers, asking: "Is this the new BANKSY? - The Mirror (22/11/2011)
Now this is a raffle prize I wouldn't mind winning ...... then again, maybe not.
Using a mix of traditional ingredients from recipes dating back to the 17th century, the worlds most expensive sweet mince pie is currently on show at a London shopping centre where it will be raffled in a draw to take place on the 19th of December.
Added ingredients include the highest-grade platinum leaf, holy water from Lourdes to bind the pastry and wash the ingredients, vanilla beans and cinnamon from eastern spice markets, highly prized ambergris sugar derived from sperm whale secretions and a solid platinum coin in keeping with the British tradition of placing a silver coin in a Christmas cake or pudding. - Maysa Rawi, The Mail (22/11/2011)
How's this for a wedding with a difference?

Dressed in a pair of white wellies, the bride arrived at the church, in her home town of Llandefalle, Powys, aboard a 2.8-tonne tractor. After the service, it transported the happy couple to a muddy field at Hayley’s parents’ farm where they had a wedding portrait taken with a herd of cattle.
And at the reception, guests, who were directed to tables named after different cows, enjoyed a four-course dinner of, you guessed it, roast beef (followed by a cake, pictured right, showing the bride and groom in cow form). - Aidan Radnedge, The Metro (25/11/2011)
And now for my favourite article of the week .....
Sounds like fun, if only I had a penis, err, the necessary equipment.
THE LATEST IN WEE Wii TECHNOLOGY. Going to the loo has never been more fun, after the world's first urine-controlled video game is installed in a London bar.
Visitors at the The Exhibit Bar in Balham can play one of three games every time they use a urinal.
The game was designed to create a valuable media opportunity from the 55 seconds the average male spends while he pees just staring at a blank wall. - The Telegraph (27/11/2011)
PLEASE NOTE : Wherever possible I will endeavour to bring you the links to articles I have used in my Media Monday posts but this is not always possible.
Breaking INTO prison...O-O thinks that "smartest person in the world" award is far from their grasp. LOL. Like the fun take on the crosswalk comment on the urinal story. Just gonna leave it at that...
These are such good and funny stories! The urinal one is hilarious. I don't know how they could market it for women (or if I'd even want to go near it if they could). :)
The Wii/Wee story....whatever next?!
Oh yea... guys would love that last one. EWwwww
These always make me laugh!
The Wee Technology !! Lol..
Tracy! Since I know pee on my feet--Sorry--Old man's joke- I think the Idea is awesome. I don't know what strand of DNA makes guys like trying to melt the little round "Breath Mint" they used to install in the Urinals--but it sounds like a win win to me. Esp. for the Rent a Beer drinkers- we like to spray paint, write name in snow--why not score points!!!!!
Great stuff,
Word ver: eureelly--Prounonce like Ace Ventura! -LOL
I won't be having such fun in the loo, but I will be keeping my eyes open and looking for the crossing with the tea. Sure could have used that today with all the rain we are having this week.
I like the one about the pedestrian crossing. :)
LOL! I really didn't understand the urinal games. That is just... oh I don't know... Don't men have their hands full already without having to worry about games? And I REALLY don't want to be the one cleaning those urinals...
Very interesting tit bits. Enjoyed it.
interesting stuff!
laughing at moo!
big hugs
The mince pie sounded really good until I started examining some of the ingredients more closely. I'll take a piece of that wonderful "cow cake" instead. It's so cute!!!
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