Sookie Stackhouse is a cocktail waitress in Bon Temps, Louisiana. It's a job which has its own challenges, but now the vampires and the shapeshifters are finally 'out', you'd think the supernaturals would get on with each other. But nothing is that simple in Bon Tempe!

Sookie's lover Eric Northman and his 'child' Pam are plotting something in secret. Whatever it is, they seem determined to keep Sookie out of it; almost as determined as Sookie is to find out what's going on. She can't sit on the sidelines when both her work and her love life are under threat - but as their plans gradually become clear Sookie finds the situation is deadlier than she could ever have imagine.
..... Inner front cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Chapter 1): The attic had been kept locked until the day after my grandmother died.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 154): "Those weren't my kittens" he told me ......
KEEP IT OR NOT?: One for the shelves but only because I have all of the 10 previous books.
The 11th outing in the Sookie Stackhouse/True blood series and I have to admit that not having enjoyed the last instalment (DEAD IN THE FAMILY) I started reading with more than a little apprehension.
Better than Dead In The Family, Dead Reckoning was never the less a disappointing read. Lacking in the humour of the earlier books and with a poor story line, it was the character of Sookie that I felt really let things down.
Now I know its necessary for characters to change, to develop, and especially when its a long running series, BUT I just don't like what Sookie is becoming.
No, I don't intend to continue with this series of books ...... though never say never. The only thing that would keep me reading would be to discover how the relationship between telepathic Sookie and vampire Eric plays out and I really don't think that this is a good enough reason to continue.
Purchased from the Book People catalogue, dead Reckoning is the 64th book read for my 100+ Reading Challenge.
Perhaps you could be sure about the choice of books before going on a reading challenge!
I remember once at some airport I hurriedly bought a book,and ran through the security.I only saw the authors name"Archer". I did not notice until I finished a few pages on the flight. The book was indeed a reading challenge. I flipped back to the cover and saw it was Geoffery Archer and not Jeffry Archer. It sucked!
Oh, I didn't read your review as I am only at the 4th book in this series.
As for Georgette Heyer, she wrote Regency romances. They are very descriptive and go at great lengths about propriety and behaviour and discussion/gossip about everyone elses business. that is why I likened them with Jane Austen's writing. Admitted, I haven't read a Jane Austen in about 12 years, that is the part I recalled and enjoyed. Hope that provides you with more information.
I've never read anything by Charlaine Harris; I've heard they're good books, and I might try out the first book in this series sometime.
This series still entertains me, but has weakened considerably. I'll continue to the end (and she does plan to wrap it up at some point, I believe) since I really enjoy the setting. Afterall, the author lives right here in my part of the world. :)
I've heard that the last few weren't as good. I am very behind in this series so I think I have a few books to go before I hit the big disappointment. At least I know and perhaps will enjoy it slightly more having be warned. :)
You save us from lots of efforts,petty.
It is a difficult task for me to pick up a book from the shop.For new writers,it still surprises me,when they become best sellers.Probably reviews do the work.
That is the problem with long-running series … eventually they start to lose their luster.
Thanks for the review of this one. I think I read a review of it somewhere else and they where thinking along the same lines. Sounds like the series has grown to long. But who knows, maybe it will pull out with another book. :) Thank you!
I stopped reading this series several books back, as I didn't like where it was going. While I'm sorry you aren't enjoying the series any longer, I'm glad that I stopped when I did.
hmmm...I read the first in the series but never picked any others up.
Too bad this one dissapointed.
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