Police have received complaints about a local hero known as the 'gentle shepherd' because of the excessive noise from cars who honk at him as they drive past.

Moses Peter has developed a cult following by sitting on the same seat on the seafront at Torquay waving at passing motorists. He claims his mission is to spread happiness but police say they have had complaints about the noise from drivers honking their horns in support.
Moses who is hailed by fans as a "living tourist attraction", said he does not want to cause controversy. But he says he will continue with his mission. - The Telegraph (09/05/2011) READ MORE in 'This Is .... South Devon.
It seems Mary Poppins was right, a spoonful of sugar does indeed help the medicine go down.In my school days boys fought for the right to wear trousers instead of shorts whilst girls fought for the right to wear trousers as well as skirts - how times have changed.
BOY PROTESTS BY WEARING SKIRT TO SCHOOL. A 12-year-old boy has worn a skirt to school in protest against "discriminatory" rules which ban boys from wearing shorts.
Chris Whitehead wore a girls knee-length skirt to classes and addressed 1,368 pupils at morning assembly wearing a black skirt which boys are allowed to wear due to a loophole in the policy which bans boys from wearing shorts during the summer months. - The Telegraph (12/05/2011)
SUGAR HELPS BOOST MEDICINE. Researchers found that taking antibiotics with sugar could improve their effectiveness against certain infections.
Tests showed that glucose and fructose stimulated bugs and made them more vulnerable to drug treatments. Richard Alleyne, the Telegraph (12/05/2011)
Network Rail, so 'baad'ly in need of cutting costs to the point that ..........
SHEEP SET TO WORK ON RAILWAY. Faced with accusations of extravagance, Network Rail has enlisted the help of a flock of sheep to cut costs.
The company, which owns and maintains the country's track, has been lent the animals to help tend a 90-acre field containing rare orchids and wild flowers. - David Millward, The Telegraph (14/05/2011)
Just as talked about as the royal bride was her sister, bridesmaid, Pippa Middleton (shown above). The ceremony not yet over someone had set up a Facebook page entitled the 'Pippa Middleton A**E Appreciation Society'.
The sympathies of all blokes must go out to the owner of the car whose partner had redecorated it, in what may well be the first example of bum rage, with the words 'Is Pippa's bum still better than mine?' - The Telegraph (14/05/2011).
PLEASE NOTE: Wherever possible I Will endeavour to bring you the links to articles I have used in my Media Monday posts but this is not always possible.
I have never had a chance to see a 'live' tourist attraction..lol! Would sure love to someday!
Live tourist attraction and short/pants...oh my god..where do you keep finding such funny stuff?
PW, I loved the way the boy appeared in school in a skirt. He is bold as he was facing thousands of students.
I saw that about the sugar and antibiotics. Interesting!!
I remember how excited I was when I could begin wearing pants (instead of dresses) to school. I think I was about 12.
I love these posts of yours!
I remember being in the 1st year of high school and us girls protesting that we wanted to be able to were trousers. Well done to that boy protesting in a skirt!
The boy in the skirt story is fairly local to me, he has the full backing and support of his fellow pupils.
I remember the posties striking for the right to wear shorts to work.
Pippa's derriere is getting quite a bit of attention. She seems to be as popular as her sister ... perhaps even more so!
And good to know about the sugar. I'm assuming that taking it in the form of a chocolate bar is acceptable as well.
The skirt is too funny. Love that one.
Love these posts! I hope the police don't take drastic action against Moses, as there's no harm in waving at people. And I love the redecorated car! That'll teach him! *L*
Hmmm...that gentle shepherd woudl scare me a bit. We do have a singing Elvis at a local park here.
That Pippa has really stolen her sisters thunder! lol
She is very attractive, but so is Kate~!
I'm all for anything that promotes sugar as healthy. :)
The sugar stimulating bugs gave me a lot to think about :-) Not sure if I want that happening - good incentive to cut back. lol
Thanks for the interesting and hilarious titbits :D
I guess I would get tired of hearing honking all day long if I were near Mr. Peter's spot, but I don't think I could bring myself to complain. He's spreading happiness, and goodness knows we need more of that!
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