27 May 2011


NRI Girl has been a blogger buddy of mine for a good while now and recently introduced me to Flat Stanley - a cut-out paper guy, you treat him as you would a guest, take photos of him being shown around places of interest before emailing them off to NRI Girl along with a note explaining your adventures.

A great idea, this sounds like such fun don't you think. If, like me, you'd love to host Flat Stanley (or Sguidged Stan as I think of him)click HERE for more details. 


NRIGirl said...

Thank you Petty! I am so excited for all the adventure Stanley is going to do with all of us.

Can't wait to see the pictures from around the world.

Suko said...

I did this many years ago. I hope you have fun. Will you post some pictures on your blog?

Betty Manousos said...

what fun!!

can't wait to see the pictures.

have a great weekend!

big big hugs!

betty xx

missed you!

Misha said...

Sounds like a fun idea! :)
I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.

Su said...

Hee hee! I hosted Flat Stanley for a young friend once upon a time.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Oh I've seen at least one blogger doing the flat stanley post. It was too cute!

dr.antony said...

Hepzibah is such an adorable person.She always come up with something new..like her interviews !