I suppose it had to happen sooner rather than later - technology moves at such a pace these days that yesterday's 'must have' items soon becomes outdated. Just as the tape recorder was replaced by the CD player, the Walkman by the Ipod, the video by CD, the CD by Blue-ray, the Playstation by Playstation #2 and #3 - and now the time has come for the Ebook ......
Yes, the days of the Ebook as a copy of the print version could be numbered, the enhanced edition is here as publishers have begun experimenting with
I know, I know, at heart I'm just an old technophobe. Goodness only knows how long it took me to master my Ipod, and as for the computer? I'm not even going to begin going there. Then there's my mobile phone which I admit people have been known to laugh at, why I don't know BUT it could have something to do with the fact that it is a phone and not a camera, not a video recorder, not a .......... oh, you get the idea.
Where was I? Oh yes, Ebooks .......
It's no big secret that I don't even like the idea of the Ebook, much preferring the look, the feel, the smell of the real thing. Mind you eventually I suppose they will come up with a sound effect that allows you to 'hear' the pages being turned, and, perhaps even 'smellovision' that releases the scent of not-yet-read books OR old, slightly musty books - the choice is yours.
Anyway, what I really wanted to ask is ........
When did books become so dull, so boring that we had to add all manner of sound effect, video and interactive graphics to them?
Whatever has happened to being able to escape in a good novel? To picture the sights, to hear the sounds, to smell the smells? Surely a good author should be able to capture all of this with the
I rest my case ........
....... Except to say that I think that this is a much better idea.
In her post, ARE LIBRARIES ON THE DEMISE?, Molly informs us that New York's Yale Law library has dogs to lend.
That’s right, explains Molly, harried law students can now, along with books about Torts and Statutes of Limitations, check out a dog.
A technophobe who thinks technology is kinda scary OR a gadget junkie who can't wait to get their hands on the latest in-thing? Do you like/dislike the idea of the enhanced Ebook and how about 'borrowing' a dog from the library, what thinks you?

I love my books... No thanks to the ebook, kindle and what not!!!
Even though I am not against technology but I enjoy reading with a REAL book in my hand!!!
A very well written post Tracy, have a lovely day:)
I dont try to read anything other than the 'normal'books.Except when accessing medical information,where I have found it useful and handy,I cant even think of reading fiction on e media.
Last week I found a reader with a friend of mine,something looking like an ipad in which hundreds of books were stored.I found it really boring.
Okay borrowing a dog sounds cute and yet odd. Not sure on that one. As for the eBooks....I LOVE my paper books. LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Will I read an eBook? On occasion...but generally only a classic or a back up copy of a printed one that I own or an ARC that was only available in that format and I HAVE to read it. Otherwise, give me paper or give me...well, bordom.
I saw this the other day. Someone had written a book about the royals and there was interactive video, interviews, photos. It was kind of cool for a non-fiction book. I'm not sure about fiction, I'm kind of with you on wanting to turn the pages and feel the paper in my hands.
As for technology. I think I would like to try some, but it's just all so expensive and then it's out of date way too quick.
I always insisted that I would never have an Ireader but I began reading books off my hubby's Ipad and I kind of like it now. I can see how easy it would be for holidays, less weight in my luggage.
Ebooks... ooohh shiny! :)
Hm... my dog would like to check out a bunch of dogs for a huge play day! lol
I never thought I'd come around to e-books, but once I did I loved them. That said, nothing will ever take the place of real books!
I'm sorry, I love my Kindle and much prefer reading on it to reading physical books. However, "enhanced content" scares me to death. What a hideously awful idea. I just pray that those of us with no interest in this nonsense can still get books without it.
Well I have nothing against ebooks but I do expect them to be mostly words. I don't need anything else mixed in but the occasional photo or illustration.
i've neber been a fan of e-books, and here's one reason why.
it doesn't feel like a book.
but there always be paper books.
big hugs!
betty xx
I dont like Ebooks myself...I prefer the real thing.
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