The cash-strapped government in the eastern European republic Of Romania has found a new way of raising money. They're passing a law that will allow them to fine fortune tellers whose predictions don't come true.
In Ireland, Una Power has taken radio station Dublin's 98 to an employment tribunal for axeing her psychic phone-in-show. "I was stunned" Una, 60, told the court. "This came completely out of the blue."
A court in Kemerovo, Russia, has sentenced Gennady Osipovich to 22 years in prison for attacking a fortune teller. Ironically it was her prediction that he would be going to jail that made him angry.
A trainee hypnotist put himself into a five-hour trance while practising in front of a mirror. Helmut Kichmeier, 27, from North London, England was only released when his wife phoned a professional hypnotist to bring him round.
Perhaps I won't take up a career as a fortune teller!'s a good one
OMG!! I cannot stop laughing. These are so funny. Where do you get these?
By the way, if you follow cricket, India-SL final is postponed by one week on requests of captains.
I feel sorry for the fortune tellers in Romania :D
Thanks for the hilarious post!
Too funny...great finds Tracy. Have a great weekend!
Hi petty .that law was a good one indeed!Now fortune tellers wiould think twice before predicting anything:))
The Russian fortune teller's prediction was most hilarious of all Lol...Lol..
Hee hee hee! Okay, I shall steer clear of fortune-telling!
Been too busy for blog-reading for a couple of weeks & I've missed your posts! :(
Petty, you are too funny! I
predict. . . a great weekend for you.
Hmmm...being a fortune teller could be hazardous to your health!!
I especially liked that last one.
A great Danish writer said "It´s difficult to make predictions - especially about the future." I suppose he had a point.
Hilarious! Thanks for the good laugh.
.. and the last one literally LOL!
Have a great weekend, Tracy.
Big big hugs!
Betty xx
P.S. I'm on a blog break...just wanted to pop over to your site and say hi!
LOL Good ones!
Haha! They're funny. Are they actually real as well or were they april fool ones?
great fun ,all the best stu
I need to share the first one with our Romanian neighbors.
Wow, impressive.
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