L is for low-slung trousers. A judge has ruled that the fashion for wearing trousers so low that they show off underwear may be offensive, but it is not an offensive.
Reuben Franco, a judge in New York, said "The constitution still leaves some opportunity for people to be foolish if they so desire."
Julio Martinez had been given a summons for disorderly conduct by a police officer.
The officer said Martinez had "his pants (trousers) down below his buttocks exposing underwear (and) potentially showing his private parts." Will Kinniard, the Daily Telegraph.
M is for mafia. One of Italy's most wanted mafia godfathers has been arrested after police traced him to a mobile phone used by his wife and registered in the name of Winnie The Pooh.
A fugitive since 2003, Vittoria Pirozzi, remained in close contact with his wife but changed the SIM card in his phone every two weeks to avoid his location being traced.

N is for naked. A naked couple who clamoured to the top of a building sparked an emergency rescue after the woman fell through the roof.
O is for owl. A pensioner has been banned from taking his pet owls for a walk in case they attack somebody.
Over the past 10 years Russell Burt, 74, and known locally as The Owl man, has regularly walked around with one of his seven birds perched on his hand. he has a licence to display birds and collects money for a local wildlife charity.
Local councillors say Mr Burt can no longer take the birds along the street because they could be "spooked" by traffic and "run amok."
*snorts with laughter* My favorite is M.
These are fun. Thanks.
All the best, Boonie
Kute Kiko, he definitely saved his owner a lot of bucks there;)
I too liked about Kiko how it helped its owner.
:) loved it :)
These are really fun!
Thank you for linking to my post! I hope it provided more information for you and your readers about Annexed.
Loved this! :)
Thanks for the smiles. Great idea for a post.Loved this!
Hope you're having a good weekend!
B xx
Wow..I loved it. Inimitable style.
Kiko is smarter than Jerry's surgeon.Doctors often play around with the diabetic foot,and Kiko could sniff it.The place I work has the world's highest prevalence of uncontrolled diabetes, I wish I could take Kiko along for rounds!
I thought I could find something acrostic in the letters,but what I found is better than I thought.
I enjoy these posts of yours!! :)
Though I read your posts, I am not sure if I left any comments. 'Pen and Paper' is in bookmarks actually.
You got a really good blog.
For this specific post, I like 'K' story the most. 'M' is very good also.
Thanks for the interesting tid bits. I was surprized a police officer gave ticket to a guy who wore a low-slung trouser. Majority of the teenage boys here wear like this,.
I like it- the consitution leaves room for foolishness if you so desire.
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
That's terrible about the owls! Why was it suddenly decided that they might "run amok?"
Thanks for visiting, and I'll surely be back here. I particularly like your header quote from The Veleveteen Rabbit!
I think I like the M story best, being a WTP fan.
I remember reading about the dog and the toe somewhere else.... kinda "eww", but kinda neat, too!
As for the "owl man", I think that would be great to see on the street. I love owls!
Hahahaha oh my gosh. xD The M story had me LMFAO'ing out loud - I'm sure my mom thought I was crazy. I blame you. ;P
I could barely get by the dog performing toe amuptation on his owner!
Oh my, a dog that ate off an infected toe. That could almost go in a zombie book.
I love the one about the US constitution giving people the right to act stupid. The police usually love it when kids wear those droopy pants, they can't run as fast when their pants are between their knees.
But the best is the concern over an owl "running amok" I'd love to see that.
Like the one about catching the Mafia king.
Hi, Petty! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Just hopping back!
Hope you're having a nice weekend!
Musings of a Reader Happy
The Kiko story I had actually heard of before! Strange as it sounds, he really did something that helped his owner....even if it wasn't the most sanitary means. O_o
I'm with the judge on the trouser issue...I see so many kids walking around with the pants about to fall off, it's crazy. -shakes head- Good grief on the mobster! That wasn't very smart now was it.....
Thanks for the smiles!
haha, I liked M. And what the heck was the naked couple thinking? lol
I have always wondered how boys keep those trousers from just puddling around their ankles. It's a mystery.
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