..... From the outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (from the prologue): Todd adjusted his leather power seat and smiled.
MEMORABLE MOMENT: "Is this what you call having things under control, Paige? Dead people wondering around mortuaries? Mobs of strangers on your lawn? A sorcerer in your house, dragging a half-dead man into your basement?"
K and I have been great friends for a number of yours, we have similar views on so many things and yet I was beginning to think that books wasn't one of them. The third book that K has kindly sent me, it has to be said that this is the only one I really liked - no, not liked, loved.
The third book in the Otherworld Series (I now have to read the first two) and what a good read it was. Not just a fascinating plot but great characters, once I'd started reading I had to keep going until I'd finished.
I think the plot worked well on many different levels. On the one hand you had the, lets face it, rather standard tale of a witch but what made it so interesting and compelling for me was all the other sub-topics that came up as a result - prejudice, the difficulties of being seen as being 'different', parenthood and teenage angst, amongst them.
Character wise, I loved discovering some new types of 'supernaturals' (Necromancers were certainly new to me) and I found Paige and Savannah fascinating in their different approaches to witchcraft.
Funny, at times gory and with an element that brought tears to my eyes (the grief stricken Savannah trying to resurrect her mother was heartbreaking) I can't wait to start reading books 1 and 2.
Seems like a good story and a good book .. I need one of those :)
Bikram's Blog
I asked the same question last time. Have they finished writing on this world?
Yesterday I went to a Book shop,and was surprised to find a shelf full of books on the ghosts and the paranormal.People love to imagine the impossible, so they can dream and get nightmares!
Great review. I like that this book is not just about being a witch. Sounds very interesting.
And I'm so excited that my reviews for Emma have made you want to read them. Let me know what you think once you're able to pick them up!
The memorable part seems very interesting... Looks a good read!!
Have a nice day.
Looks like a nice book. Thanks for the wonderful review.
I appreciate your penchant for reading. I love the way you present reviews.
I read her Darkest powers but haven't tried this one yet. Thanks for review.
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
I do love this series, especially all the Elena books...the various species are almost my fav part of this as well, aside from the great characters.
Ooh, sounds good! I haven't read anything by this particular author as of yet....but if the first books in this series are as good as this one sounds, I may have to correct that situation soon. Thanks for sharing!
Kelley Armstrong is a very good writer. She has a couple of different series available at the moment. I have wanted to read this series for quite a while. Might have to read them all at once.
I loved your ´memorable moment´ though I can´t help feeling it´s probably very unfair to blame her for all those things :D
sounds like a great series.
I'm reading a supernatural right now and enjoying it also.
Great review.
This does sound like a great series. Terrific, concise review, Petty!
That memorable moment was so cute! Will definitely see if I can find this one. :) Thanks for the review!
Sounds like fun Halloween reading!
Sounds like a great story.
Thanks for sharing it, Tracy.
Necromancers are derived from Greek Mythology...I find it quite interesting.
Hope you're having a good day!
Big big hugs!
B xx
Thanks for the wonderful review! I have not read a book by Kelley Armstrong but have The Summoning on my bookshelf.
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