An interesting writer, Oddyoddyo 13's blog DANI'S LETTERS is certainly well worth a look.
Freeverse is a weekly meme hosted by Cara over at OOH ... BOOKS!
And talking of blogging about.
I came upon PAY IT FORWARD, a blogger gift exchange meme, whilst having a (virtual) cup of tea with BRIZMUS. Basically the idea is you receive a small gift from her and in return agree to send one to three other bloggers anywhere in the world (hence the small gift). I'd love to take part and hope to do so at a later stage but if you'd like to join in now why not go visit?
AND .........
Whilst over at SHARE A STORY SHAPE A FUTURE I came across this Blog Tour - IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A READER which runs from the 8th to 14th of March. Sounds like it could be informative as well as fun, I'll leave a badge on my sidebar in order for you to contact them or, of course, you can simply click on the above link.
I would love to participate in the blog gifts, but I don't have that kind of blog. Tracy, actually, I would love to send YOU a little gift. send me your address via FB email, and I will send you something! xo
Tracy,or Petty, I have to say the same with Mollyc.
But I loved to have your mail , so I could e-mail you sometime!.
Btw. There is an award for you on a previous post of mine. Neve mind. I just wanted you to know how I heart you and your interesting blog.
Have a nice day!
Elizabeth xx
HI Petty,
Glad you liked the little sockies I made for my daughter. If your mam isn't able to make any for you, let me know and i'll gladly make you a pair.
I have participated in something like the Blog it Forward program before and it is a lot of fun.
It's great to 'meet' you.
How are you feeling, Petty? Better and better, I hope.
The poem you refer to is very, very good. I'm going to have to look through her blog some more!
Thanks Petty, its amazing how informed you are when it comes to the internet. I should check some of this stuff out.
Hope you're feeling much better!
I really liked the poem you shared from Oddyoddyo13!!
The little gift idea is clever, too. Always fun to get mail!
So glad to see you "blogging" around. I will check out Pay it Forward and I am very intrigued by the Blog Tour. Thanks for sharing all these cool blogs. As always, you show how generous your spirit is.
Great post! Good to see you back!
What a supremely wonderful idea! I loved the "pay if forward" movie and have endeavored to live my life with this view. What's even more wonderful is that one can start this at any time. Just make a post about it and send someone a gift when they comment on the post about paying it forward.
I'm so glad you're feeling better, and thank you for the terrific comments, especially the one about being organized and having a place for everything. We seem to be kindred spirits. I'm just not home unless my place is neat. :o)
So glad to see you "up and about" recently! Hope that means your good days are starting to outweigh the bad ones.
You always seem to find the most interesting sites! Off to check them out now. Thanks! :)
I hope you enjoy the blog tour! There are so many great posts lined up and I have to say I learnt heaps last year.
Welcome to The Book Chook.
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