
6 Nov 2019


Today it's my pleasure to be participating in the Blog Tour of the Alphabet For Life by Fran Norris as capably organised by Faye at Authoright.

An alphabet book with a difference! Who said A is for Apple? Why not A is for Acceptance? Let's learn the alphabet using words that will inspire and empower everyone to thrive in life! Packed with fun illustrations and thoughtful quotes and themes, the Alphabet For Life is a unique children's book the whole family can enjoy and learn from for a lifetime.
- Synopsis 

SOURCE ... Received with thanks from Faye at Authoright.

MY THOUGHTS ... Read by both myself and Mr T. I know it isn't often he feels inspired to pick up any of the books I'm reading but he was intrigued by this one.

What we both thought was an insightful read. Full of colourful fun illustrations that will no doubt be enjoyed by children though as to how much they'll enjoy/understand quotes from the likes of everyone from Eckhart Tolle (A is for Acceptance) through to Arianna Huffington (Z is for ZZZZZZZ) by way of  Thich Nat Hanh (M is for Mindfulness) and any other number of people (some of whom as adults you'll know, others maybe not so) is another matter. However, that said, if used with an adult on hand to explain and perhaps explore the themes, why not?

For myself personally, in this day and age when we are all so aware of the importance of good mental health, I thought The Alphabet For Life, its twenty six tips for living a happier and fuller life inspirational,
a thought provoking and empowering read for tweenagers/teenagers upwards. 

Title: The Alphabet of Life
Author: Fran Norris
Release Date: 29th October 2019
Genre: Picture Book
Page Count: 30
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing

ABOUT THE AUTHOR ... Fran Norris is a mother of two living in Devon. Like most parents, her daily life largely involves coming up with creative approaches to making the good-for-you stuff enjoyable and appealing to children. She believes that education should nurture our natural curiosity and empower each individual to reach their fullest potential.

Inspired by the playful way children approach any task, from brushing their teeth to eating toast, Fran is convinced that fun should be at the core of all learning. As a former scientist, Fran approaches life as a wonderful experiment and loves to question everything. Her children provide a never-ending source of mystery and challenges to be solved. Creating THE ALPHABET OF LIFE reconnected Fran with her love of drawing and painting, encouraging her to work as an illustrator now.
Image result for name felicity


  1. I was struggling a bit with the concept of this one until I reached your final paragraph. Although written for children, it might be enjoyed more by the one reading it aloud to the child! For that reason alone, I might consider it more closely.

  2. Great review and good to know this is perhaps for older children.

  3. Oh yes, that does sound insightful and a great ABC book theme.

  4. This sounds like a unique and wonderful A-B-C book! :)

  5. I'm going to look for this the next time I go to my bookstore. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Felicity,

    I checked out several links to this book and I definitely agree that strictly speaking, it doesn't appear to be an ideal book for the childrens' market.

    A young teenager would seem to be a great target audience, not only in recognizing and understanding some of the quotes and their authors; but in a general understanding of the theme behind the writing.

    You don't really say whether the illustrations are particularly childish or not though, as that would definitely affect whether it would engage with the teenage market, the cover is a little babyish.

    A great concept for a young persons book, despite the confusion :)


  7. Felicity,
    This sounds like an inspiring,
    thought provoking and creative
    book. And from what you shared
    in your post of the illustrations,
    these look truly lovely.

  8. I love this idea! Definitely something you'd have to really discuss with a younger child, but I like the idea that older readers can read it and get something out of the various words. Mental health and self-care are so important.


  9. This looks awesome! I'm always up for books that have such a positive message such as this one. I do agree that might not be so much for the younger kids, Finn would probably get bored in it. But I think it's important to have books that have positivity like this one, especially since that's something I myself struggle with.

    Ash @ JennReneeRead

  10. It does sound like a nice change from he traditional alphabet books

  11. I might consider this book for my Granddaughter when she's a little older. Thanks for the review.


Ah wish te thank each an everyone of yee fre yer keind words. It's canny te see yee an ah hope you'll visit agyen. Divvent leave it tee long, will ye?